Doctor's Orders: Take Care of Your Mental Health

January 16-In an interview with The Harbus, Dr. Richard Kadison, Chief of Mental Health for all of Harvard University Health Services expressed concern for the mental health of business school students and urged students to seek care if they think they may need it. Dr. Kadison emphasized that mental health services are part of an… Continue reading Doctor's Orders: Take Care of Your Mental Health

Congratulations to Feyi and Ope!

Congratulations to Section F’s very own Feyi Folowosele (now Boroffice) and her husband Ope, who got married in Africa over the holidays. Here’s Feyi’s report on the big event:“Ope and I left for Lagos, Nigeria on Saturday the 22nd. After a short hectic week we had our traditional Yourba pre-wedding ceremony on Friday the 28th.… Continue reading Congratulations to Feyi and Ope!

Career Services to Launch "Stimulus Package" to Aid Recruiting

With two weeks remaining until the beginning of RC on-campus recruiting (so-called “Hell Week”), many first-year students are gearing up for what is being billed as one of the toughest summer internship job markets in years. Over the past two weeks, RC students interested in internships with traditional HBS recruiters have been receiving electronic notification… Continue reading Career Services to Launch "Stimulus Package" to Aid Recruiting

Major Overhaul In University Health Services Soon to Reach HBS

January 16-In the first interview of what will be a long-term relationship with The Harbus to highlight services and improvements at HBS Health Services, the new Director of Business School Health Services, Dr. Bruce Biller, outlined a number of service changes that are already underway and others that are soon to come. In his office… Continue reading Major Overhaul In University Health Services Soon to Reach HBS

Outspoken Alumnus Blames HBS for Enron Debacle

The demise of Enron, the once-vaunted energy and trading company, is a complex affair. On December 2, 2001, the company filed for bankruptcy. Last week, its shares were delisted from the NYSE. The financial press is awash with speculation on the cause and ramifications of what has been dubbed “the largest bankruptcy case in American… Continue reading Outspoken Alumnus Blames HBS for Enron Debacle

They Said What?

Okay, this is an unpaid advertisement: SEND IN YOUR QUOTES! It takes just seconds, and can contribute to the enjoyment of your entire class here at HBS (especially your section), as well as the classes a year ahead and a year behind you, who you may never see again after graduation. If nothing else, those… Continue reading They Said What?

The Intraview's Post Game Interview with Goldie

Me ‘n’ Her Goldie: So, this date occurred in London. Where should the next Intraview occur: a) Paris, b) Milan, c) Bali, or d) Johannesburg? Papoutsakis: I don’t know, I think Bali would be pretty cool. Goldie: I’m sorry, the correct answer is Johannesburg. But that’s still OK because you tried. All right, let’s move… Continue reading The Intraview's Post Game Interview with Goldie

Corporate Whore Plays the House of Blues

Just as Bono and Madonna turned down their share of consulting firm and banking gigs, a group of multi-talented HBSer’s are putting their mouths where the money is. “We are just going to have to become rock stars,” sighed Amanda Krantz, drummer for the HBS band Corporate Whore, which has a solo engagement at the… Continue reading Corporate Whore Plays the House of Blues

RC Final Exam IT Glitches Explained

During last semester’s RC LEAD final, approximately 300 students experienced difficulty uploading completed exams to the HBS intranet. HBS IT and the MBA program reacted quickly to the situation, and the deadline for uploading the LEAD exam was extended. Cammie Wynn, Technology Advisor, IT Client Services, explained the root cause of the problem, “Some of… Continue reading RC Final Exam IT Glitches Explained

News and Campus Affairs Editor's Welcome

Welcome to the News & Campus Affairs section of the first 2002 edition of The Harbus! Over the next year, I very much look forward to working with Nick and the rest of The Harbus team to bring you the news items of highest relevance and greatest interest to the HBS community.During the forthcoming year,… Continue reading News and Campus Affairs Editor's Welcome

SA Tallies Gains, Looks Ahead

Welcome back! We’d like to take a couple of minutes to give you an update on the Student Association (SA) and the initiatives and activities we have been working on this year. The SA agenda is set directly by students every Spring through the Student Issues Poll. While we’re best-known for sponsoring the TGIFs, social… Continue reading SA Tallies Gains, Looks Ahead

Big Brother Watching Over?

I don’t think that HBS, or at least some of its departments, trust us. That’s disappointing. On December 18th, as I looked into what was a basketball court at Shad Hall to see hundreds of make-shift desks and miles of electrical wiring, likely costing thousands in labor and materials in order to facilitate the FRC… Continue reading Big Brother Watching Over?

Pregnant at HBS: Two Students, Four Lives, Five Classes

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. It’s a time when a female transforms from a woman to a mother. Her innocence is transferred, and her eyes are awakened to the dangers of the world as she takes on the responsibility of raising a child. The process of discovery is begun anew as she begins to see… Continue reading Pregnant at HBS: Two Students, Four Lives, Five Classes

HBS Goes to Hollywood

Film or TV? Music or New Media? Strategic Planning or Creative? These were just some of the questions that 75 HBS students pondered at Hollywood Trek 2002, sponsored by the Entertainment and Media Club on January 6-9. Whether pursuing general industry knowledge or a summer or full-time position, each student was exposed to leading companies… Continue reading HBS Goes to Hollywood

Welcome From the Editor In Chief

Welcome to a walk on the wild side. For sure, 2002 is guaranteed to be a year full of history-for the world and for ourselves personally. Not only do we face the uncertainties of war and terrorism both abroad and at home, but the economy seems determined to stay undeterminable for a time too uncomfortable… Continue reading Welcome From the Editor In Chief

Welcome, Republican Club

Last term, the HBS Student Association’s Student Clubs and Careers Committee formally approved a new club, The Republican Club. The Harbus wishes to extend a warm welcome to this new club, but more significantly, we want to highlight the significance of its founding. In his remarks here in December, former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis remarked… Continue reading Welcome, Republican Club

HBS Guilty of Assault and Battery

Harvard Business School’s soccer team routed Harvard Law 5-1 last Sunday behind a raucous crowd that numbered in the high single digits. With the victory, HBS capped off an undefeated season in the Boston Graduate School League and won the Graduate School Cup for the second year in a row. Harvard Law’s first string was… Continue reading HBS Guilty of Assault and Battery

The Curtain Call

For the Chinese, it was the year of the Golden Snake. For the United States it was the year of the biggest tragedy ever to take place on American soil. For the world it was a year of reassessing what was really important. For all of us at HBS it was a time for introspections,… Continue reading The Curtain Call

Editor's Welcome

Thanks for checking out the latest incarnation of the Arts & Entertainment (A&E) section. Though much of the content builds on the high standards of the previous team, look for an increased emphasis on A&E opportunities in the broader Boston area in coming editions. Basically, while we’d never turn down the warm beer and the… Continue reading Editor's Welcome

Four Students Recognized by SA for Boosting Community

Congratulations to Brendon Dibella (OD), Kyra Danilchick (OF), Anand Radhakrishnan (OK), and Brad Staats (OB), this semester’s recipients of the SA MBA Award. The award serves to recognize students who have excelled in their efforts to improve or promote the extended HBS community, increase the morale and sense of community at HBS, and encourage other… Continue reading Four Students Recognized by SA for Boosting Community

HBS Community Joins Its Muslim Students For a Ramadan Iftar

On Tuesday December 4th at sundown, 80 students gathered in the Meredith Room in Spangler for an Iftar-the meal that marks the end of a day of fasting. Organized by the Middle East and North Africa Club (MENA), the Iftar was designed to educate the HBS community about the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and… Continue reading HBS Community Joins Its Muslim Students For a Ramadan Iftar

Richardson: Conservation, New Relationships are Key to Ending Energy Crisis

Energy is a commodity that we often take for granted. On Monday, Ambassador Bill Richardson treated members of the Harvard community to a unique perspective on major trends in the industry. Richardson-a former eight-term Congressman-served as Energy Secretary for two-and-a-half years in the Clinton Administration. Prior to that, he was U.S. Ambassador to the United… Continue reading Richardson: Conservation, New Relationships are Key to Ending Energy Crisis

Section Love Finds a Home in the House of D

We’ve all heard of Section Love before. It’s that special bond that the ever-dwindling population of HBS singles inadvertently anticipate upon their arrival. It’s those two people, once whispered about and represented only in Sky Decks, who give substance to rumors when they join the ranks of the engaged. It’s the attitude of my friend… Continue reading Section Love Finds a Home in the House of D