Energy is a commodity that we often take for granted. On Monday, Ambassador Bill Richardson treated members of the Harvard community to a unique perspective on major trends in the industry. Richardson-a former eight-term Congressman-served as Energy Secretary for two-and-a-half years in the Clinton Administration. Prior to that, he was U.S. Ambassador to the United… Continue reading Richardson: Conservation, New Relationships are Key to Ending Energy Crisis
"Admission's Mistake" Discovers Whole Life was a Mistake
(Morris) Last Sunday, RC student and self-proclaimed “admission’s mistake” Lou Ianno finally got the courage to confide in his mother that he is struggling in school and worries that HBS made a mistake by admitting him to the Class of 2005. “But rather than hearing comforting words from my mom like ‘you belong at Harvard’… Continue reading "Admission's Mistake" Discovers Whole Life was a Mistake
Crude Realities of a Hot Commodity
Sarah Palin’s $150,000 wardrobe caused a commotion, but oil’s $150 makeover, rapid rise to fame and fortune, and sudden recent decline is equally sensational. In 2003, oil was that awkward guy in the corner at $25, lonely and undervalued. By 2008, the barrel re-emerged refined and glorious. Conflict in the Middle East, US Dollar weakness,… Continue reading Crude Realities of a Hot Commodity