The memories that shape us In the famous Pixar movie Inside Out, glowing colored orbs represent memories. If you haven’t seen the movie, let us paint a quick picture. First, imagine giant marbles swirling with colors that correspond with emotions – yellow for joy, blue for sadness, red for anger, and so on. Next, picture… Continue reading From the Editors’ Desk
K's Don't Cry – Or Do They?
The last week of fall classes, I flipped to the last page of my schedule, read “FINAL CLASS,” and burst into tears. I cried (or at least got choked up) quite a bit towards the end of fall term, and I attribute a lot of those tears to Prof. Joshua Margolis, whose inspirational teaching in… Continue reading K's Don't Cry – Or Do They?
Three Weddings, Two Babies and One Bankrupt Company
While we may not have found out what all our sectionmates were doing over the extended winter break, we do have some idea of what a few of them were doing last October replica watches. It seems that, as Vincent Cobee would say, “AprŠs seven section babies, le d‚luge.” Congratulations are in order for Martha… Continue reading Three Weddings, Two Babies and One Bankrupt Company
Winter Biking: Show Your Cycle Some Lovin'
I felt like I was walking my dog into the grocery store as I wheeled my mountain bike through the storefront door at the Broadway Bicycle School bike shop in Cambridge at Broadway and Inman. I’m so used to locking him up outside when I go in somewhere. But immediately, coop member and technician Suzanne… Continue reading Winter Biking: Show Your Cycle Some Lovin'
Exercise Program Do's and Don'ts
DO:Consult a physician before starting an exercise program. Don’t just sign the consent form that says you did! Be consistent in your workouts, setting short and long-term goals. Working towards realistic goals will help you see the results from your exercise program. Have a health and fitness professional help set your program. Depending on your… Continue reading Exercise Program Do's and Don'ts
A New Year, A New You
Have you become determined to lose those few extra pounds from gluttonous family feasts over the holidays? Did you make a New Year’s resolution to “finally get back in shape”? Are you looking ahead to Spring Break and want to be sure you look good in your swimsuit for the rest of the guys and… Continue reading A New Year, A New You
Doctor's Orders: Take Care of Your Mental Health
January 16-In an interview with The Harbus, Dr. Richard Kadison, Chief of Mental Health for all of Harvard University Health Services expressed concern for the mental health of business school students and urged students to seek care if they think they may need it. Dr. Kadison emphasized that mental health services are part of an… Continue reading Doctor's Orders: Take Care of Your Mental Health
Sustainable Development Society Hosts Organic Fast-Food Entrepreneur
Mac McCabe is revolutionizing the fast-food industry, one Organic Yukon Gold Fry at a time. McCabe (MBA ’71) is President and CEO of O’Naturals, an all-natural, mainly organic fast-food chain that aims to offer consumers an alternative to the fat-laden,environmentally-unfriendly mega-chains that McCabe wryly refers to as “The Evil Empire”. McCabe addressed a group of… Continue reading Sustainable Development Society Hosts Organic Fast-Food Entrepreneur
Chamonix Trek: Skiing in the French Alps
“Powder snow, champagne, HBS classmates and hot tubs? Does this sound too good to be true?”-This was the title of the e-mail that Max Coqui (NB) sent out to a few of us a few months ago. When all was said and done, 10 first-years plus seven friends were in the ski chalet in the… Continue reading Chamonix Trek: Skiing in the French Alps
The A-Team: Round Two
Following a week of reviews, course recaps, teacher gifts and nostalgic speeches, the four days beginning December 17th put the A-Team to the test: would they survive back-to-back finals? A brief recap of Term One exams is necessary before we bid these classes adieu one last time:LEAD: Rumor has it that Neil Edwards started daydreaming… Continue reading The A-Team: Round Two
What's Up in Club B
Welcome back to all my Club B-ers, with a special welcome to Tucker Bailey who spent his break and the first week of school with the Navy in the Middle East. Don’t worry, Tucker, your sky-deck seat was left untouched all week… Since I went back to my parents’ house for most of the break,… Continue reading What's Up in Club B
Congratulations to Feyi and Ope!
Congratulations to Section F’s very own Feyi Folowosele (now Boroffice) and her husband Ope, who got married in Africa over the holidays. Here’s Feyi’s report on the big event:“Ope and I left for Lagos, Nigeria on Saturday the 22nd. After a short hectic week we had our traditional Yourba pre-wedding ceremony on Friday the 28th.… Continue reading Congratulations to Feyi and Ope!
Section Singing Skiing Santas
As the new class starts and we’re not knowing where to store our name cards anymore having three different seat assignments for the first month of the term, Section H is getting right back into the swing of things. But every time we get back into our Finance 1 seats, the comfortable feeling of the… Continue reading Section Singing Skiing Santas
J-Crew Returns from Winter Break
Section J returned to the HBS scene with renewed vitality from a well-deserved winter break. While some felt the bite of the economy and went in search of summer jobs, some preferred to ski, socialize or do the old-fashioned “Home for the Holidays.” Many came back loaded with goodies like Julie Bell who came back… Continue reading J-Crew Returns from Winter Break
Memoirs from the Year 2013
I am currently the general manager of the hybrid/electric car division at General Motors. I enjoyed my time at Procter & Gamble pushing toothpaste around the world. I then took that marketing experience to GM, and eventually moved from marketing to general management. I have a political agenda: I think if the US depended less… Continue reading Memoirs from the Year 2013
Navigating The Labyrinth
Over winter break, I finally found the time to process how HBS had impacted me during the first four months. I found myself grateful for new friends and for the intellectual development received in the classroom. I had grown as a person, which is to be expected when one is placed in such an intense… Continue reading Navigating The Labyrinth
To Work Or Not To Work?
To work or not to work? That is the question. Perhaps it was my first day here at HBS that I started to feel pressure to find a summer internship. My first suspicion that things were not looking good came at a career fair in September. Several of the companies canceled and left us staring… Continue reading To Work Or Not To Work?
Career Services to Launch "Stimulus Package" to Aid Recruiting
With two weeks remaining until the beginning of RC on-campus recruiting (so-called “Hell Week”), many first-year students are gearing up for what is being billed as one of the toughest summer internship job markets in years. Over the past two weeks, RC students interested in internships with traditional HBS recruiters have been receiving electronic notification… Continue reading Career Services to Launch "Stimulus Package" to Aid Recruiting
Major Overhaul In University Health Services Soon to Reach HBS
January 16-In the first interview of what will be a long-term relationship with The Harbus to highlight services and improvements at HBS Health Services, the new Director of Business School Health Services, Dr. Bruce Biller, outlined a number of service changes that are already underway and others that are soon to come. In his office… Continue reading Major Overhaul In University Health Services Soon to Reach HBS
Alumnus Speaks Frankly about Life as Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Ambassador Craig Stapleton, current U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic, visited campus last Friday to reflect on his recent diplomatic experiences from both a political and personal perspective. In a very frank discussion, Ambassador Stapleton first talked about how immediate the September 11th attacks impacted his job. Having arrived to the Czech post only two… Continue reading Alumnus Speaks Frankly about Life as Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Outspoken Alumnus Blames HBS for Enron Debacle
The demise of Enron, the once-vaunted energy and trading company, is a complex affair. On December 2, 2001, the company filed for bankruptcy. Last week, its shares were delisted from the NYSE. The financial press is awash with speculation on the cause and ramifications of what has been dubbed “the largest bankruptcy case in American… Continue reading Outspoken Alumnus Blames HBS for Enron Debacle
In the Bedroom:
Do you know what it feels like to have loved and lost? Or, to have something or someone close to your heart vanish in a blink of an eye, as the promise of love is taken from your possession? Todd Field’s directing debut is very much about effect of loss, coping with absence, managing anger,… Continue reading In the Bedroom:
Horoscopes: With The Magic 8 Ball
Horoscopes: With The Magic 8 Ball Aries (March 21-April 19) If the lack of applause for your guests in section did not provide you with an indication of your popularity, the bear trap under your seat certainly will. Taurus (April. 20-May 20) Never judge a book by it’s cover, they always say, unless it happens… Continue reading Horoscopes: With The Magic 8 Ball
Which is more hip, the O-Bar or Chili's?
Even though the Euro may be rapidly collapsing against the dollar, Europe provided exactly the touch of glamour this week’s cosmopolitan couple needed. Boston just seemed too provincial for this pair, so a trip to Europe was in order to set the right tone for their date. Actually, it turns out Europe might not be… Continue reading Which is more hip, the O-Bar or Chili's?
The Harbus Intraview with Goldie
Bridge-and-Tunnelling Across the AtlanticBy Eva Papoutsakis (NB) Truth be told, I was not really up for this date. I had just landed that morning and was exhausted after spending the day running errands and trying to find an Internet connection. Plus, I had already met Martin, and knew him as a great, fun guy. Luckily,… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview with Goldie
They Said What?
Okay, this is an unpaid advertisement: SEND IN YOUR QUOTES! It takes just seconds, and can contribute to the enjoyment of your entire class here at HBS (especially your section), as well as the classes a year ahead and a year behind you, who you may never see again after graduation. If nothing else, those… Continue reading They Said What?
Sky Deck
Sky Deck
The Intraview's Post Game Interview with Goldie
Me ‘n’ Her Goldie: So, this date occurred in London. Where should the next Intraview occur: a) Paris, b) Milan, c) Bali, or d) Johannesburg? Papoutsakis: I don’t know, I think Bali would be pretty cool. Goldie: I’m sorry, the correct answer is Johannesburg. But that’s still OK because you tried. All right, let’s move… Continue reading The Intraview's Post Game Interview with Goldie
Angry Little Girls
Angry Little Girls
Muddling Through Somehow
The devil’s always in the details. Never more evident was this than when I heard a December 21st report on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition about a new release of the Christmas classic, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, which was first written for Judy Garland who starred in the 1944 MGM Musical movie Meet… Continue reading Muddling Through Somehow
New Year's Resolution
I’ll admit it: I was ready for a nice long winter break. I was eager to get back to reading bestsellers and memoirs, seeing old friends, renting movies, skiing for hours on end. I even triumphantly abandoned my computer on my desk at school to collect dust as I traveled and relaxed.But after I left,… Continue reading New Year's Resolution