
Winter is just a state of mind. Here are a few pictures to remind us of those hot and humid days.

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OB Still Going Strong

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That is what I’m banking on because, although I’ve been guilted into writing another one of my fabulous section articles, I’m pretty short on time (that should read, I don’t have a job, so I can’t justify taking time out to write a Harbus article). So,… Continue reading OB Still Going Strong

Viewpoints: And Why Do They Call it Consulting?

It was when I drew a Venn diagram to illustrate to my husband how the Harvard work/life balance worked that I realized that you can take the girl out of consulting but you can’t take the consultant out of the girl. My husband was impressed by the diagram. He was less impressed when I told… Continue reading Viewpoints: And Why Do They Call it Consulting?

Partner Perspective

Here is a little reminder for when the stress gets high and the relationship suffers… The Top Ten Reasons to be an HBS Partner 10. Access to the Shad: The best place to work off those lonely feelings the first year. 9. HBS Community parties: When your kids see the pony rides and Jumbo Bouncer… Continue reading Partner Perspective

Dressing For Interview Success: Casualness Breeds Casualties

Visit for more information. Copyrighted by J.M. Wanes & Associates. Reprinted with permission. You’ve probably heard all the sayings: “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, “the first impression is the lasting impression”, “if you dress like a person of substance and integrity, you will, more often than not, be… Continue reading Dressing For Interview Success: Casualness Breeds Casualties

Generous, Cultured, Good-Looking, What More Could You Ask For?

The J-Crew continues to thrive in Aldrich 109. Ella Aglipay continues to serve up a bevy of cultural activities with Friday’s Traditional Dress Day and ongoing lunches. Best costume has to go to Maureen Farrell and Deana Menkes, however, for their turn as Jersey girls. Who says Americans have no culture? Outstanding. Mezuo Nwuneli presented… Continue reading Generous, Cultured, Good-Looking, What More Could You Ask For?

J-Crew Wreaks Havoc on Vermont

What was my favorite moment during the J-Crew ski weekend? Summit views? Wind in my hair as I descended the mountain? The serenity of the pines as we ascended the lifts? The camaraderie of the condo party experience? The roadtrip-inspired sense of freedom and adventure? No, it was watching Rami Shamaa snarfle two quarter pounders,… Continue reading J-Crew Wreaks Havoc on Vermont

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Websites 101:

Last year, all the RC students were required to make a website in TOM. For some reason, the TOM faculty elected to remove the requirement (probably to introduce something more practical like The Beer-Game Exercise). At the request of my sectionmates and to fill this gap in our MBA educational experience, I began running Web… Continue reading Websites 101:

The Harbus Intraview

My Date With A Former Phone-Sex OperatorBy Kimberly McClure …Well, okay, so I was just trying to get your attention with the title, but the many phone conversations I had with Lincoln Alabaster before we met were just as entertaining …assuming anyone who ever calls phone sex lines is only in it for the laughs.… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview

Were We Funny?

At last, your misery at the hands of Omar has come to an end. Indeed (which is one of my favorite words), this is my last issue as the editor of the Humor / H-BS / That Guy sections, and I must say, if I may (which I may, because who’s going to stop me?… Continue reading Were We Funny?

RC Student Discovery: What Happens in Vegas, Doesn't Actually Stay in Vegas

(Nevada) The magic of the HBS learning experience took another dimension last week, when some RC students discovered that, contrary to popular belief, what happens in Vegas doesn’t actually stay in Vegas. “Who’d have thought that my ‘new best friends’ in my section would kid about something like this?” nervously said one RC student that… Continue reading RC Student Discovery: What Happens in Vegas, Doesn't Actually Stay in Vegas

We Didn't Know

When doors were finally opened and we entered SecC (Sex-ta-C? I am sorry, President Alex, I am sorry!), with our brand new name-cards, we, simply, didn’t know. We didn’t know many people, we didn’t know much about cases, we didn’t know the feeling of cold calls… we didn’t know a thing. Then, we started learning.… Continue reading We Didn't Know

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Step-by-step guide to writing for Harbus Features:

All of us can, and should, write for The Harbus.Our Promise: We’ll print it, or give you a damn good reason why not1. Turn on computer2. Write article3. Spell check 4. Repeat step 35. Send to sjohnston@mba2002.hbs.edu6. Bask in new-found glory Technical bit: Articles should be less than 500 wds, interviews max 1000 wds. Pictures… Continue reading Step-by-step guide to writing for Harbus Features:

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Pass the Carrots, Hold the Pricilla Ball Photos

As our first semester comes to an end, we begin our preparation to leave the HBS bubble for a few weeks in “real world”. First stop: home for the holidays. As soon as your parents pick you up from the airport and you realize that you won’t need to check for at least three… Continue reading Pass the Carrots, Hold the Pricilla Ball Photos

King Of The Night

“If you don’t know Patrick McMullan, you ought to get out more.” -Andy Warhol Ever wonder what it is like behind the scenes of those star-studded parties that you see plastered on the cover of US Weekly? Patrick McMullan, one of the world’s most celebrated party, fashion, and society photographers is just the person to… Continue reading King Of The Night

Networking- Sincere, Strategic, or Slimy?

To: hbsalumni@mba1985.eduFrom: mrnetworker@mba2005.hbs.eduSubject: Help Me Get A JOB!!!! Last week in my power and influence class we discussed the merits and perceived shortcomings of two different networking styles. On the one hand we had a Silicon Valley CEO turned venture capitalist who networked her way from a company newsletter writer to one of the most… Continue reading Networking- Sincere, Strategic, or Slimy?

The Best Of H-BS

Club VPs Form VP Club(Spangler 201) Following on the footsteps of the Trek Club, which was recently formed by Club Trek organizers, 43 Club VPs formed the VP Club last week. “The purpose of the club is to share VP information and best practices across organizations,” said VP Club co-founder Bettina Houston. “Imagine the great… Continue reading The Best Of H-BS

CEO of Patagonia Speaks at HBS

A concerted and ongoing commitment to the environment can serve as a point of strategic differentiation. This was the message expressed by Michael Crooke, CEO of the Lost Arrow Corporation, parent company of Patagonia, Inc. while addressing an audience of about 150 students, visitors and local Bostonians on Feb 18th, at the invitation of the… Continue reading CEO of Patagonia Speaks at HBS

Not to be Outdone, HBS Students Start Their Own Porno Mag

(Spangler) Fearing that Harvard students have one-upped them with the launch of “H-Bomb,” a University-sponsored erotic magazine featuring nude photos of undergrads, two HBS students have started their own pornographic journal, “HBS Fleece.” According to RC student and co-founder Byron Howell, “If there’s seriously a market for nude pictures of dorky 18 year-old former Academic… Continue reading Not to be Outdone, HBS Students Start Their Own Porno Mag

Cuba Uncovered: Beyond Mojitos and Cigars

As our motley group of four representing Japan, Russia, the United States (U.S. citizens require special permission to visit Cuba for educational/cultural travel) and India descended upon Havana, the air was rife with a spirit of adventure and mystique. Whilst we waited in line for immigration, we were hesitant to get our passports tainted with… Continue reading Cuba Uncovered: Beyond Mojitos and Cigars


In pursuit of their ultimate goal of being featured in every issue of the Harbus this year, the HBS Rugby Team (aka Ruggers) spent their weekend coming up with witty nicknames for each other, talking up their record at Tommy Doyles, and photo shopping pictures of themselves with their shirts off. Co-Captains Jeff Todd (HLS)… Continue reading HBS RUGBY TEAM BUSY WRITING FOR NEXT WEEK'S HARBUS