In the spirit of the Summer and our incredible upcoming EC year, SA-Social is committed to a couple of changes that will make some even more fun events available to the HBS Community. Here are some ways that we plan to be sure that the event “pollution” stays to a minimum and event quality increases even further.
What causes “event pollution”? Section, SA-Social, Clubs, Cross-Grad School Councils, Career Services & Academics all organize events. What happens? Lots of events? What happens when you have four or five great events in one week? You have to make tough, and at times stressful, choices. The question is whether that stress is really necessary. We don’t think so.
Our commitment is to plan each month ahead of time, across all the activities and groups mentioned above, to insure that each event organized is not in conflict, but in concert with the others planned for the month. Our intent is to increase the amount of cooperation across these entities and also increase the quality of the events that come with more dedicated resources and less “interference.” Some examples you have seen and will continue to see are co-sponsored events: SA-Social/Section events, SA-Social/Club events, events following midterms, finals, etc.
Other immediate changes you will notice in addition to tighter cooperation between section social chairs, SA-Social, clubs, and administration are a shift in the TGIF schedule adjusting to the summer schedule, a social corner in The Harbus, both announcing upcoming events and “commemorating past events/publishing pictures.”