Inside Al Jazeera

Considering its influence, Al Jazeera’s newsroom is puny. When Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak peeked in during a visit to Doha, Qatar, a couple of years ago, he asked, “All this noise comes from this matchbox?” It feels like an American newsroom at first, until you notice the details. While a few of the monitors are… Continue reading Inside Al Jazeera

A Summer with The Broad Foundation

It wasn’t the most conventional interview, but I knew it wouldn’t be when his assistant told me I could “ride with him to the airport”. I was meeting Dan Katzir, Managing Director of The Broad Foundation, an entrepreneurial, grant-making organization that funds innovative efforts to dramatically improve governance, management, and labor relations in the nation’s… Continue reading A Summer with The Broad Foundation

Recruiting Snafus: What Not to Say to a Recruiter

So, which did you prefer – the lifeless interrogation rooms at Chase (easy escape) or making idle conversation in “reception” rooms at the Doubletree (comfy internment)? Either way, it is what happened during the interviews which results in the most giggles all up and down the hallways of Aldrich. During our heady week of selling… Continue reading Recruiting Snafus: What Not to Say to a Recruiter

A New System of Excused Absences

Over the last two weeks I have had to miss four classes due to interviews. Admittedly, my section truly feels the pain when I am not around, as my well-thought out, clear and concise prose often adds a superior level of intellect to an otherwise mediocre discussion. Unfortunately for my section, I am interviewing with… Continue reading A New System of Excused Absences

Dow Jones VP Tells The Journal's 9/11 Tale

Among the businesses that evacuated their Lower Manhattan offices on September 11 was The Wall Street Journal. In an unprecedented display of newspaper crisis management, The Journal still published that day. Richard Tofel, the assistant to the publisher of The Journal, told how at HBS on January 29. HBS community members can watch the video.… Continue reading Dow Jones VP Tells The Journal's 9/11 Tale

Baker Library – Getting to Know You

Nearly 600 members of the MBA class of 2003 are now familiar with the dreams of Martin-particularly the `interview from Hell’ and his discovery of the resources at Baker Library that enabled him to ace the interview. The library orientation started with a multi-media slide show featuring Martin and his dream interview with a growing… Continue reading Baker Library – Getting to Know You

Glam Jam Thank You Ma'am!

The resurgence of bell-bottoms and Izod shirts prove the old adage that what was once hip can become hip again. Some of the biggest hair bands from the 1980s are taking advantage of this phenomenon with the third annual Glam Slam Metal Jam concert tour. The Glam Slam Metal Jam pairs three or four fabulous… Continue reading Glam Jam Thank You Ma'am!

To Intern or Not? That is the Question

The real world reared its ugly head over the last few weeks, as cohort students began to think about their lives outside of the HBS bubble. In pursuit of August internship positions, approximately half of the cohort interviewed with a range of consulting and investment banking firms. After the interviews concluded, the response from the… Continue reading To Intern or Not? That is the Question

SFP Construction Stopped to Stop

This sudden and unexpected announcement has taken the entire community by surprise. `I cant believe it’ said one of the local workmen we spoke to. “One minute you’re just getting along and the next minute this comes up.” Before even considering the consequences of such a drastic measure, we first sought to find out `Why… Continue reading SFP Construction Stopped to Stop

New Footbridge Across Charles Announced

This sudden and unexpected announcment has taken the entire community by surprise. `I can’t believe it’ said one of the local workmen we spoke to. “One minute you’re just getting along and the next minute this comes up.” Before even considering the consequences of such a drastic measure, we first sought to find out `Why… Continue reading New Footbridge Across Charles Announced

More Hell Week Horror Stories

Some more doozies worthy of mention. Keep them rolling in to Twenty minutes into a lunchtime interview with a Boston firm, our protagonist was surprised when a cell phone started ringing in the room. The interviewer excused himself, took the call, and found out that his wife had gone into labor with their first… Continue reading More Hell Week Horror Stories

Hell Week Horror Stories

Many people responded to our request for interview horror stories, and we suspect that this is only the tip of the iceberg. The really good ones will probably seep out, liberated by alcohol over the next weeks and months. Some of these have been lifted straight from emails, and others have been disguised to protect… Continue reading Hell Week Horror Stories

When Hell Week Freezes

Volunteerism is alive and well on campus, and last week it was reflected in the newly shined shoes of job-hunting RC’s. Over 25 EC’s volunteered to shine shoes for RC’s while dispensing invaluable interview wisdom during dedicated RC interview week. The shoe shines (and interview wisdom) were part of the first annual “When Hell Week… Continue reading When Hell Week Freezes

News In Brief

RC Discovers M&M Arbitrage Opportunity(Spangler Grille) In a hush-hush meeting with friends Thursday, Thad Stevens (NE) reported that he had discovered an opportunity for risk-free profit involving M&Ms as frozen yogurt toppings. One meeting attendee, who asked to remain anonymous, recalls Stevens explaining, “Let’s say you’re getting a frozen yogurt at the Grill. You put… Continue reading News In Brief

On-Campus Interview Series: A Baker Scholar

This edition of the Harbus sees 2004’s first faculty interview. At 6ft 6 inches, Assistant Professor Malcolm Baker has a commanding presence, but I quickly find out that he is a most personable and welcoming man. He is clearly popular with his colleagues – twice during our interview other faculty came in to ask him… Continue reading On-Campus Interview Series: A Baker Scholar

Editorial: Drawing a Blank

It’s happened to all of us at one point or another. In class, in an interview, or in the bar (usually just as soon as the person we’ve been watching all night approaches). Our adrenaline rushes, the perfect words sit on the tips of our tongues, and then suddenly, everything goes completely blank. For me,… Continue reading Editorial: Drawing a Blank

Hell Week, Here We Come

There are worse ways to interview for a job than Hell Week. You could be on that show called “The Apprentice.” You could be running for President. But knowing this isn’t going to make you feel much better because you’re stressed out about interviewing even though your mistakes aren’t going to be broadcast on national… Continue reading Hell Week, Here We Come

The Show Must Go On: The HBS Show 2004

The HBS Annual Show (Show) has become a time-honored tradition and an essential component of the HBS experience. It is held every year at the end of the term in April, with the entire HBS community including the students, professors, staff, significant others and anybody who can trace the remotest link to the school, coming… Continue reading The Show Must Go On: The HBS Show 2004

Model "Follow-up Letters" to Campus Recruiters

So last week was hell week, and you had an interview. What comes next?The follow-up letter comes next. This is simply good manners. What are the elements of a world-class follow-up letter? Three suggestions: (1) Thank the recruiter for the opportunity to interview; (2) Reference something “unique” about your interview to refresh the interviewer’s recollection;… Continue reading Model "Follow-up Letters" to Campus Recruiters

Student to Conduct Networked Job Search; Didn't Want McKinsey Offer Anyway

(Central Square) EC student Kathleen Michaud started a networked job search last Thursday at 8:12pm, and it had nothing to do with the fact that she was dinged by McKinsey at 8:03pm, Michaud alleged. “Seriously, it’s pure coincidence that McKinsey chose not to extend me an offer just minutes before I got on the alumni… Continue reading Student to Conduct Networked Job Search; Didn't Want McKinsey Offer Anyway

News In Brief:

Technical Question Looks like Non-Technical Comment (Aldrich 508) When Abe Marcotti raised his classcard during FRC last Tuesday and told his professor he was “confused about expensing stock options,” Professor Lampley and classmates expected Marcotti to follow up the statement with a technical question like “What is Black Scholes” or “What did Yasu Wantanabe say?… Continue reading News In Brief:

HBS Style

Can I get away with wearing French cuffs and cuff links to an interview?– signed “Ineeda Job” Double cuff shirts (a.k.a. “French” cuffs) began as a sign of distinction during the mid-1980s for any young up-and-comer looking to show off his wealth, success, or (more generally) attitude towards business. Far from a rarity, double cuffs… Continue reading HBS Style

Hell Week Blues

Editor’s note: The Humor Section this week is more of a gossip column, comprised of desperate career-seekers’ woes. All of the following is an amalgamation of actual hell-week exchanges. The “humor” here comes from the fact that this stuff actually happened. Some disguising has been done, of course – not that it matters, these people… Continue reading Hell Week Blues

A Sharper Image

Three buttons, point collars, four in hands…oh my! Dust off your suit and shine your shoes — the interviews are about to begin. After spending several years in the fashion industry, I wondered how I could give advice about interview attire. After all, I did buy my first suit for the HBS interview, and even… Continue reading A Sharper Image