Some more doozies worthy of mention. Keep them rolling in to
Twenty minutes into a lunchtime interview with a Boston firm, our protagonist was surprised when a cell phone started ringing in the room. The interviewer excused himself, took the call, and found out that his wife had gone into labor with their first child. He quickly gathered his things, told our protagonist she would certainly be getting a second round, and took off. The Harbus wishes the interviewer, his family, and our protagonist the best of luck.
An asset management firm started the interview by asking our second protagonist why, if he had been a consultant, he was now interested in asset management. The interviewee explained that a good friend of his family was a portfolio manager, and that he had been inspired when talking with the friend about his work. As our protagonist went on about the family friend, the interviewer visibly scowled. Finally, the interviewer interjected and asked if the family friend was named Daniel Jones. When our protagonist answered in the affirmative, the interviewer immediately jumped to the end of the interview, and asked our protagonist if he had any questions about the firm. Our protagonist asked a couple questions, and afterwards the interviewer said that was it. “Don’t you have any other questions for me?” asked the HBS-er? “No,” came the succinct reply. The entire interview lasted 10 minutes, and the ding was just about as prompt.
Speaking of the real Dan Jones, who also happens to be the illustrious Chairman of the Board at the Harbus, here’s an email he sent to a potential employer:
“I interviewed with you both on Friday, 15 December and was promised a response within a week. Three weeks later, I made an enquiry as to my status with [your colleague], who once again promised to respond to me within a week.
“While I am sure that the three of us are in agreement regarding the mediocrity of my performance, I don’t believe that I was so bad that seven weeks later, I still am not worthy of some sort of reply.
“I would be most grateful to receive what I presume will be a rejection as soon as possible.
“Cheers, Dan Jones”