Shades of Gray

“Don’t worry, it’ll just happen.” That’s what I heard about study groups before I enrolled. It’s code for “complicated” in my experience. People say something will “just happen” when they can’t explain how it happened to them or how it might happen to you. You hear it most often in reference to incredibly complicated experiences… Continue reading Shades of Gray

An Arts & Entertainment Welcome

Thanks for checking the Arts & Entertainment (A&E) section, a source for all things fun in Boston and beyond. In the coming weeks you’ll find content on books, movies, music, television, food, wine, cheese, beer, and the occasional website review. In particular, the section will feature entertainment opportunities in the broader Boston area, as the… Continue reading An Arts & Entertainment Welcome

First International Week at HBS

Few people at HBS may know that nearly 35% of HBS students are international, one of the highest ratios among leading business schools. HBS students are drawn from over 60 different countries, and they speak over 70 languages. To celebrate the incredible cultural diversity on campus, the section International Representatives, the regional clubs, and the… Continue reading First International Week at HBS

Classic Cuts: International Film Festival at HBS

Burden may be silently mourning the absence of the all-singing, all-dancing HBS Show this week. But those thirsty for some art-and-culture have some new options on campus-the first-of-its-kind International Film Festival in Spangler auditorium. An extraordinary feat of cooperation across cohorts, the festival is brought to you by a group of film buffs in the… Continue reading Classic Cuts: International Film Festival at HBS

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The Pledge

Starring: Jack Nicholson, Robin Wright Penn, Benicio del Toro, Michael O’Keefe, and Sam ShepardDirected By: Sean PennRated: RRunning Time: 123 minutes Okay everyone, first a disclaimer. I’ve always struggled with reading movie reviews because I often feel the review discloses too much about the movie. However, as I began to write this review, I realized… Continue reading The Pledge

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The Butterfly Effect

Continuing in the rich tradition of bizarre but interesting films, The Butterfly Effect joins the ranks of such movies as Natural Born Killers and The Royal Tenenbaums. These are the type of movies that, even after walking out of the theatre, you still aren’t sure whether or not what you saw was average, disturbingly ridiculous,… Continue reading The Butterfly Effect

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A&E This Week

Focus on…….DVD’s In light of the cold and the snow, this week’s edition of Focus On takes a look at recently released or upcoming releases of DVD’s. Grab a rental, pop some popcorn, and snuggle in with your favorite undergrad for a nice, cozy night. Radio (Release Date: Jan 27th) Rating: 1/2Outside of Disney’s animated… Continue reading A&E This Week

Listings Feature: Concerts

Each week we’ll be featuring the latest information on shows, clubs, art, theatre, movies and music. This week: live music takes its turn in the spotlight.There is a ton of great music and musicians arriving in Boston over the coming months – from up and coming stars such as Jamie Cullum, Snow Patrol, Keane, Muse… Continue reading Listings Feature: Concerts

The Secret Lives of HBS Show Stars:

You know who they are. They might as well have a scarlet “Show” pinned to their chests. The drooping eyes, the glazed stares… and yes, the dance pants. These are the members of the HBS show. They’ve spent the last six months writing, choreographing, and rehearsing the 2004 production, “Terms of Endowment”. The Harbus recently… Continue reading The Secret Lives of HBS Show Stars:

One Ed Rep to Rule Them All

She received 28 out of 32 possible points – total disbelief. I just lost the Oscar Pool. A bet always carries with it the risk of losing, but this year’s Academy Awards seemed more predictable than ever: have you ever heard of an Oscar Pool where 97% of the participants had the same best movie… Continue reading One Ed Rep to Rule Them All

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Diary of a Popcorn Connoisseur: Fall Movie Preview

It would be pretty easy for me to give you a nice little present of a fall movie list. I could drone on about the expected awesomeness of Spielberg’s LINCOLN or the simultaneous nausea and bliss that will accompany Tarantino’s DJANGO UNCHAINED. I could babble about how PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 will probably give you indigestion… Continue reading Diary of a Popcorn Connoisseur: Fall Movie Preview

School Year in Review: Movies to Watch If You Have Nothing Better to Do

The school year’s coming to a close and you’ve probably seen most of the big hits and misses: The Hunger Games, Twilight (I’m judging you), Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, etc. So this list isn’t meant to rehash how incredible The Artist was, how surprisingly boring J. Edgar turned out to be, or how Adam… Continue reading School Year in Review: Movies to Watch If You Have Nothing Better to Do

Life on The Black List

The King’s Speech.  Slumdog Millionaire. There Will Be Blood.  Juno.  It is hard to imagine that these films may never have been produced—that they could have been lost at the bottom of the deluge of screenplays that are written by Hollywood writers every year  In fact, that could have very well been the case,… Continue reading Life on The Black List

Genetic Engineering

Ivy League schools are inundated with ads for potential egg donors-women who for a considerable sum of money donate their eggs to a couple for in vitro fertilization. What happens once they sign on? And what role do the fertility clinics who match the donors to the recipients play? A well-dressed couple in their early… Continue reading Genetic Engineering

Live the Dream

BRAD! ANGELINA! When most people think of media & entertainment, they think of celebrities. But movies, television, and music mean so much more to our world. Entertainment has the power to shape culture and spread information. Entertainment reflects who we are and what we value. Most importantly for HBS grads, entertainment is one of the… Continue reading Live the Dream

14 Hours in an AMC Movie Theater

For several years now, AMC (which coincidentally stands for American Multi-Cinema) holds an event called “Best Picture Showcase” the day before the Oscars. As background, the Best Picture title is basically the most coveted award handed out on Oscar night (held on February 22nd), perhaps the biggest night in Hollywood. The AMC “Best Picture Showcase”… Continue reading 14 Hours in an AMC Movie Theater

Running the Numbers

63% of HBS students watch less than 1 hour of TV per day 70% of respondents get their news from online news services such as and 43.4% of HBS students don’t subscribe to any magazines 33.6% of respondents spend 2-3 hours on the internet each day 72.4% of HBS students watch 0-1 movies… Continue reading Running the Numbers

Hollywood Apprenticeship

The 8th Annual Harvard Business School Hollywood Trek took place in Los Angeles, from January 9th to 11th, 2008, sponsored by the Harvard Business School’s Entertainment & Media Club. During the career trek, Harvard Business School students gained exposure to major functions of the entertainment and media industry breitling superocean replica, visiting some of the… Continue reading Hollywood Apprenticeship

Blades of Glory

Jimmy (Actor Jon Heder) is Chazz Michale Michaels’ competition and opposite. As an orphan, Jimmy portrays incredible potential, and is discovered by Darren MacElroy (Actor William Fiehtner), a millionaire who decides to make his next fortune by adopting kids that have to potential to be athletic “cash cows”. Jimmy is Michael Michaels opposite who dances… Continue reading Blades of Glory

Why Art is About to Make a Comeback in Hollywood…

“Quality is still considered a genre.” ~ New York Times. Hollywood film executives are oftentimes berated for producing an extraordinary amount of awful and non-artistic films. In the ideal entertainment world, studios would serve as art houses that consistently pumped out content of higher quality. They would not be purely big banks. However, according Mark… Continue reading Why Art is About to Make a Comeback in Hollywood…

Movie Review – Casino Royale

The name’s Bond. James Bond. On November 17, Daniel Craig became the sixth actor to take on the role formerly played by Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and George Lazenby. Craig captivates the audience with his superb acting and charisma that emphasize the physicality of the stunt work -rather than special effects-as… Continue reading Movie Review – Casino Royale

Showcase of Diversity at HBS

The week of October 23, the HBS community had the opportunity to show its diversity-and we rose to the occasion with an impressive display of talent and multicultural flair. One third of the HBS population is comprised of international students. International week gives them a chance to showcase their culture and talents, and allows others… Continue reading Showcase of Diversity at HBS

Scenes from Sundance

How do film directors celebrate after screening their film at the Sundance Film Festival? They call Mom. In the Clockwork Caf‚ on Main Street in Park City, Utah, a director tried repeatedly to shoo a friend off the phone so he could make that all- important call. And no wonder. Out of 3,148 submissions, only… Continue reading Scenes from Sundance

HBS Does The Cresta Run

The infamous Harvard competitive spirit never fades. In fact, six quasi-Baker Scholars competed in the craziest sport on the planet over the winter break: the Cresta Run. The Cresta Run is a mile ice run, similar to a bobsled track, on which riders equipped with special 80 lb. toboggans achieve speeds of up to 80mp.… Continue reading HBS Does The Cresta Run

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