Where Do We Go From Here?

In the last four articles on the war against terrorism, we covered many issues. We discussed ongoing military operations, the delicate diplomatic equation in the immediate region, and the changes needed in the Middle East and in American policy to stop the cycle of hatred that breeds terrorists. We now conclude with two potentially uncomfortable… Continue reading Where Do We Go From Here?

Achieving Peace and Stability in Congo

At age 30, President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is about as old as many HBS students are. Last Monday, Kabila spoke at the Forum and outlined his vision on creating peace and restoring good governance in Congo. Kabila became President in January 2001 after his father, former President Laurent Kabila,… Continue reading Achieving Peace and Stability in Congo

Activated Reservist Says Thank You to HBS

On Friday September 14, I received an almost expected phone call from my Army Commander: “Be ready?we are going.” As a reserve counter-terrorism intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army, my activation seemed nearly certain after September 11th. Yet, as all those who have worked for the government know, nothing is certain until it actually happens.… Continue reading Activated Reservist Says Thank You to HBS

HBS Reacts to Student Soldiers' Needs Flexibility Plays Central Role;

At least four current Harvard MBA students are facing recalls to active military service as part of the United States’ war on terrorism, and HBS administrators are receiving high marks for their quick responses to the students’ needs. Already, faculty and students had praised administrators for their initial reactions to the attacks-which included quickly canceling… Continue reading HBS Reacts to Student Soldiers' Needs Flexibility Plays Central Role;

Anthrax: A Student-Doctor Sheds Light

Q: What are the different types of anthrax? A: Although Anthrax naturally, usually occurs in hoofed mammals such as cows and sheep, when they ingest spores, three types of human infections exist after coming into contact with spores: cutaneous (skin via touch), inhalational (lungs via breathing), and ingestional (digestive tract via ingesting). The classic human… Continue reading Anthrax: A Student-Doctor Sheds Light

Face in the Crowd: Chris Howard (NK)

This article can’t afford to waste words-recounting the experiences and qualifications of 32 year-old Dr. Chistopher B. Howard in a Harbus capsulet is a task akin to summarizing War and Peace in a sentence. His resume stretches to three closely type-written pages with a dense thicket of superlatives and commendations clamoring for attention. Chris entered… Continue reading Face in the Crowd: Chris Howard (NK)

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

In the first article of this series I made the case for action against the mass murderers of September 11 and those who plan to follow in their footsteps. I suggested that this presents the members of the international alliance with one of the most complex diplomatic and security challenges they have ever faced. I… Continue reading The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

"If You Tolerate This, Your Children Will Be Next"

The words in the headline above come from a poster recruiting British volunteers to fight the fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War and were superimposed over a photograph of a dead little girl killed by German bombs in Guernica. They could just as easily be superimposed over photos of the collapsing World Trade Center… Continue reading "If You Tolerate This, Your Children Will Be Next"

HBS Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Communities Respond to Terror Attacks

September 11th was an awful day for humanity. The enormity of the tragedy is such that for many of us the shock is yet to wear off.It is in times like this that a community is tested to its limits and needs to come together and provide support for one another. It is imperative that… Continue reading HBS Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Communities Respond to Terror Attacks

Students Share Strength in Aftermath of Tragedy

It can be difficult coping with the stresses of HBS during the best of times. After the unbelievable horror of the events on September 11, many of us turned to existing networks of family, faith groups, and friends to see us through. Other people, perhaps feeling somewhat isolated here on campus, sought comfort here in… Continue reading Students Share Strength in Aftermath of Tragedy


It appears inevitable that the United States will soon go to war. If by chance of a miracle we do not fight Iraq, we will continue to engage with absolute certainty against the state of domestic and international public opinion. In one of this week’s featured articles, we explore America’s diplomatic strategy to persuade Turkey,… Continue reading Editorial


In last week’s edition of the Harbus, I published an article on the failure of the American Government to extend constitutional rights to foreigners detained in Guantanamo Bay. On page 5 of the article I asserted that “even if the military chose to systematically murder all of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, their families would… Continue reading Correction

A Defense of American Patriotism

Several weeks ago, famed liberal activist Barbra Streisand voiced the sentiments of an overwhelming majority of her colleagues when she mistakenly attributed the following quote to William Shakespeare: “Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into patriotic fervor. Patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It emboldens the… Continue reading A Defense of American Patriotism

Redefining American Patriotism

Last week, four men suspected of terrorist activities against the United States were released from the Camp Delta prison on the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. According to officials, these suspects were discharged because they were innocent of terrorist activity. They had no connections with Al Qaeda and could provide the Government with… Continue reading Redefining American Patriotism

My Big Cell Phone

Fellas. Don’t ever believe a woman who says that size doesn’t matter. That notion couldn’t be more false. Recently at dinner, while sitting across from a classmate who I wouldn’t mind impressing, I got a phone call. When I took my phone from my pocket, I heard a collective gasp that bordered on a shriek.… Continue reading My Big Cell Phone

World View

World View Editor’s Note: On a rainy Tuesday morning this summer in London, I opened my inbox and found this email by an HBS classmate. I thought to share it with HARBUS readers more or less verbatim as it highlights an experience that many HBSers might go through in their future endeavors. It also sheds… Continue reading World View

Year In Review:

The following is printed in the HBS 2002 yearbook’s Year In Review page. It is reprinted here for RCs and those who did not purchase a yearbook. The unthinkable happens. Minutes into an early day of the 2002 fall term, four planes at terrorist hands made dramatic turns off course, and with them went much… Continue reading Year In Review:

The State of the U.S. -Transatlantic Relationship

The Interdependence of the EU and the U.S. Mr. Fran‡ois Bujon de l’Estang, the current French Ambassador to the U.S., was greeted by the HBS community with much anticipation last Monday afternoon where he delivered the first lecture sponsored by the HBS European Club’s new team to a packed crowd in Aldrich Hall. The crowd… Continue reading The State of the U.S. -Transatlantic Relationship

General Oelstrom Addresses Students on Military Strategy

During a recent visit to campus, Lieutenant General Tad Oelstrom spoke to members of NG and NH on the central role strategy plays in military planning, and specifically how military strategy has many connections to strategic planning in the business world. General Oelstrom, the former superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy and Executive Officer… Continue reading General Oelstrom Addresses Students on Military Strategy

On the Middle East Conflict: Loyalty vs. Facts

Affiliation and group loyalty tend to shape a person’s perspective of the world. Two people with opposing views will have very different subjective readings of the same facts. Sometimes it’s unconscious because people are selective in both the comprehension and retention of information, but other times it is perhaps less so. The Middle East conflict… Continue reading On the Middle East Conflict: Loyalty vs. Facts

Sharon vs. Arafat:

This nation has no permanent allies, only permanent interests.-Lord Palmerston Like the sound of car horns in a Manhattan street, daily accounts of atrocities in the Middle East, at this point in time, barely arouse one’s interest. Recent reports that Yasir Arafat has shown himself to be an untrustworthy participant in the peace process have… Continue reading Sharon vs. Arafat:

FACE IN THE CROWD: James Carroll (OI)

James Carroll (callsign: Dipper) has a certain calmness, good-natured humor and confidence about him. One might, at first, attribute it to the maturity that marriage and fatherhood brings… or a Virginia upbringing. Certainly factors. But after an hour long interview, I am convinced his soundness is firmly rooted in his 14-year tenure with the United… Continue reading FACE IN THE CROWD: James Carroll (OI)

HBS Marines Celebrate 228 Years

Last Tuesday, HBS’s former members of the Marine Corps and other Armed Services hosted a celebration in honor of the 228th birthday of the U.S. Marines. Fellow HBS students, family, and friends joined with former service members to experience the tradition, pomp, and circumstance of this time-honored military ceremony. The annual birthday celebration is a… Continue reading HBS Marines Celebrate 228 Years

Air Force CFO Determined to Expand Ambitious Summer and Full-Time Hiring

Four Harvard MBA candidates spent the summer working for the Chief Financial Officer of the Air Force, the Honorable Michael Montelongo, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller). Mr. Montelongo is the driving force behind the interns’ presence in the Pentagon, and regards reaching out to promising students to be “imperative to… Continue reading Air Force CFO Determined to Expand Ambitious Summer and Full-Time Hiring

Editorial: March Madness

In this week’s issue, along with printing the results of the ‘controversial Harbus Poll’, in the special “HBS at Wartime” section, we asked several students, as the start of a continuing dialogue on the topic, what their initial opinions of the war have been. As far as my personal initial feeling about the war, I’m… Continue reading Editorial: March Madness