Airlines Post Messages

Two airlines whose planes were involved in the crashes, American Airlines and United Airlines, have posted information on their websites: // Other major airlines have expressed their solidarity: // Lufthansa tells where its North American flights have ended up:// The following flights on September 11, 2001, will return or are diverted:LH442 Frankfurt-Detroit, landed in FrankfurtLH408… Continue reading Airlines Post Messages

Dean Clark Issues Prompt Message to Campus

At 10:14 Tuesday morning, barely an hour after two planes from Boston crashed into the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center, HBS Dean Kim Clark e-mailed all students, faculty and staff to cancel classes and offer help to shaken members of the campus community. At the time Clark sent his message, only one… Continue reading Dean Clark Issues Prompt Message to Campus

Oscar loves Chicago

The Oscar nominations were released with traditional pomp and show in Los Angeles last Tuesday. Chicago led the pack with 13 nominations this year including a nomination for Best Picture. Gangs of New York lagged behind the remake of the Fosse classic by nabbing 10 nominations. The Hours topped the list off with 9 nominations.… Continue reading Oscar loves Chicago

Swell Week

While the snow, stress and interview madness was engulfing the inmates of HBS, a surprisingly large number of RC September took the opportunity to head out of town. These were the people who rocked up refreshed with suntans on post-Hell week Monday morning, while, the rest of us were ashen faced and haggard. Some have… Continue reading Swell Week

Make it a Blockbuster Night:

Jackie Brown – she knows where she’s goin’ and she knows what she’s gotta do. Quentin Tarantino conveyed this message clearly in the opening scene where Jackie Brown (Pam Grier), a beautiful stewardess over 40 dealing with hard times, is seen walking confidently through an airport with a gaze fixed on her final destination. Acting… Continue reading Make it a Blockbuster Night:

Where in the World did you Spend your Summer–Lianne Pot (OB)

What: Travelled around the world Where: Everywhere! What did you do this summer?I spent my summer on dusty trains, boats, slow ferries, rented off-road jeeps, and many air planes as I made my way backpacking around the world. I went on safari in Africa where I camped in the Serengeti with roaring lions in the… Continue reading Where in the World did you Spend your Summer–Lianne Pot (OB)

Career Profiles – Selin Gunal

Career Field Prior to HBS: Li & Fung, Supply Chain Management, LEK Consulting, Digitas Online Advertising Strategy Position in BCG: Summer Consultant Why did you choose an internship with BCG?ÿBased on my work experiences prior to HBS and RC classes, I found strategy to be a fascinating area. While looking for a summer employer, BCG… Continue reading Career Profiles – Selin Gunal

Where in the World did you Spend your Summer?

With constant reminders of the ongoing global economic recession, 2009 was a year when it was easy to lose the sense of buoyant optimism that accompanied us when we arrived in Boston last fall. With unemployment skyrocketing and job opportunities drying up, early on many students anticipated and subsequently encountered an extremely challenging job search… Continue reading Where in the World did you Spend your Summer?

Where in the World did you Spend your Summer–Naren Shaam (OF)

The Harbus chatted with Naren Shaam (OF), who split his summer between two very different internships. He called his job before HBS – engine design in the automotive industry- “one hundred percent manufacturing and really enjoyable” but decided to challenge himself this summer. He started in Los Angeles working for media investment fund, his first… Continue reading Where in the World did you Spend your Summer–Naren Shaam (OF)

Regional Profiles – The West Coast – Is it the Best Coast?

Andy Morse (OC), Contributing Writer Sure, “best” rhymes with “west,” but is that all there is to this connection? You be the judge. As many students have likely discovered by now, the U.S. has another coast located about 3,000 miles from here. Found on the left side of a standard map of North America, the… Continue reading Regional Profiles – The West Coast – Is it the Best Coast?

Entering the Media Business in New York City

Although Los Angeles is the capital of the entertainment industry, New York will forever be the center of the universe. The cultural environments of Los Angeles and New York are polar opposites. Many HBS students have their hearts set for the excitement and buzz of New York and can barely fathom a life in Los… Continue reading Entering the Media Business in New York City

Doing Business in Hollywood

The Hollywood Trek provided participants with an insider’s view of Hollywood, a place that offers challenges and barriers to MBAs. Hollywood has always been an enigmatic world for businesspeople. Bored with the utilitarian halls of investment banks, they aspire to conquer the exciting and mythical entertainment capital of the world. Hollywood is a place of… Continue reading Doing Business in Hollywood