What is the Intraview and why should you care? For the uninitiated, the Intraview is a bizarre Harbus concept in which a professional matchmaker scours the campus for the perfect couple, sends them off on an evening of their dreams, and lets the entire Harbus-reading student body learn about the results. Unfortunately, the Harbus’s ad… Continue reading The Intraview:
Tag: Uncle Jordy
Case Rip Cord Remembers the Excellent 80s
The Case Rip Cord’s gonna go in reverse alphabetical order today, because it’s almost the end of the year. Yahoo!: In the spirit of full disclosure, the Rip Cord admits not reading this case. You see, last year it was pulled out of the Strategy course at the last minute and exchanged for (yet another)… Continue reading Case Rip Cord Remembers the Excellent 80s
One MAC Daddy of a Case Rip Cord
Congratulations to Colleen McCaffrey (OE), who appears to be the first member of the Class of 2002 to be a case protagonist! She is the primary author of MAC Development Corporation, where she appears as a major player in her family’s Chicago commercial real estate firm. This case was taught in first year Entrepreneurial Management… Continue reading One MAC Daddy of a Case Rip Cord
The Place to Wait
Uncle Jordy recently visited an old friend who has retired to Columbia, South Carolina, the state capital and home of the University of South Carolina. He decided in this era of unnecessarily arriving at the airport two hours early, the airport in Columbia is the place to wait. Here’s the Top Ten reasons why: 10.… Continue reading The Place to Wait
An Introduction to the Harbus Humor Section
This week’s Harbus isn’t funny like usual, and it doesn’t include reports from the Section Reps on the events in their respective rooms in Aldrich. For that we apologize. To make up for it, we’re giving you the first in a series of pieces by Californian Brian Eule on his recent move to Boston. But… Continue reading An Introduction to the Harbus Humor Section
The Harbus Intraview
Greetings from HDSby Zachary Drennen, HDS Harvard Divinity School students don’t often mix with Biz School students-no one likes seeing Capitalism and Organized Religion in close proximity. Nonetheless, the Capulets and the Montagues united, if for one brief moment, over Easter Sunday (fitting?) in yet another episode of Uncle Jordy’s homespun Intraviews. I had such… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview
The Harbus Intraview
Body by Jakeby Colleen McCaffrey, NE Add one too many heart-decorated envelopes from the local country music station soliciting me to join their singles hotline and my mom’s ongoing attempts to set me up, and I finally saw the light. I finally decided to stop resisting Uncle Jordy’s incessant prompting and go on a Harbus… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview
The Harbus Intraview
Speed Racerby Brian Ericson, NP It was every guy’s teenage fantasy come true. Or at least one of their teenage fantasies–the one involving really fast cars. I’m not really sure what teenage girls dreamt about, but judging by Robin’s initial trepidation, I was pretty sure it wasn’t this! Nevertheless, she was a good sport, and… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview
The Harbus Intraview
The Free Shot Queenby Carolyn Bockius, NA When Uncle Jordy informed me that my Intraview was with a second year I had never met, the first thing I did was check out Hugh’s classcard for a little background information. I found out that he was into sports (a definite plus) and poetry. Not having read… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview
Post Game Chat Session
Uncle Jordy: Hugh wrote something in Viewpoint last week about the Shad Caf‚ becoming “jilted like that bitchy girlfriend or wet boyfriend you ended up hating.” Carolyn, what in THE hell is a “wet” boyfriend? Carolyn Bockius: As I was reading Hugh’s article, I too wondered what exactly a “wet” boyfriend was, so I’m afraid… Continue reading Post Game Chat Session
Intraview with Cyrus Hadidi, ND and Amy Reinhard, NC
His Story So, one day it happens. You’re sitting there, pretending to study, and you see the little envelope pop up. You’ve got mail. Of course, you stop all attempts at studying and alt-tab over to Outlook. Job offer? Social invitation? Another duplicative HBS club email? Another duplicative HBS club email? And there it was—an… Continue reading Intraview with Cyrus Hadidi, ND and Amy Reinhard, NC
Intraview Post Game Interviews
Uncle Jordy: According to the info in the pairing computer, you both are from California. Turns out you’re both Midwesterners. Where exactly are you from, and do you think that this miscue was fate? Cyrus Hadidi: I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and fled to California when I graduated from high school.… Continue reading Intraview Post Game Interviews
The Harbus Intraview
Her StoryThe Duck Hunter’s Taleby Julie Ritter, NG Ever since the beginning of the year, I have been rallying the troops around my section with cries for “more personal humiliation!” Unfortunately, Uncle Jordy must have heard those cries from his classroom across the hall, because when it came time to identify “live ones” for an… Continue reading The Harbus Intraview
Post Game Interviews
Thought it’d be interesting to ask our two Intraviewers some questions after their southern journey. These interviews were conducted separately, but I’ve intermingled the responses for fun. Uncle Jordy: Dobbs, did you really get lost, or were you just trying to pull that “ran out of gas” trick? It’s a little cold for that, no?… Continue reading Post Game Interviews
Harbus Intraview – With Hildegunn Naas, OI and Brian Tockman, ND
Her Story What do you do when your best friend turns you in to the Harbus for an Intraview and calls you a chicken if you don’t accept… In the end, you accept. On Friday afternoon, I get a phone call from Brian to arrange our Intraview. Uncle Jordy had told me that our date… Continue reading Harbus Intraview – With Hildegunn Naas, OI and Brian Tockman, ND