The Chinese New Year:

The Chinese New Year fell this year on January 22nd. This day is the most important and biggest festival in China and is as important to the Chinese as Christmas is to Christians in the West. It is the first day of the lunar calendar and usually falls somewhere between January 30th and February 20th.… Continue reading The Chinese New Year:

The Necessity of Free Speech

The following comments were in response to a controversial cartoon that was featured in The Fed, a Columbia University sponsored newspaper. The fallout following the cartoon lead to the NY Times article entitled “Columbia President Denounces Racially Offensive Incidents” and gave new life to the argument over free speech. I was disappointed to learn of… Continue reading The Necessity of Free Speech

Running for President

Running for Section President is a rewarding experience. Most of the activities are behind-the-scenes, but if you’re dedicated to making sure your Section experience runs smoothly for your classmates, this is the job for you. One of the great things about HBS is that everyone is a leader in their own way. Each of your… Continue reading Running for President

Warmth After A Severe Snowstorm

On January 10, 2008, southern China was struck by a violent snowstorm that lasted 3 weeks. The storm killed at least 107 people, destroyed houses and crops, ripped down power lines, and interrupted the water supply. Over 100 Million people were directly affected by the snowstorm. 1.7 million of the population were forced to evacuate… Continue reading Warmth After A Severe Snowstorm