Many of the humorous anecdotes heard around HBS this past week were made by new arrivals to the Boston area and revolved around the unpredictable and inconsistent weather of late, but were not appropriate for the Harbus reading audience and the small children who might pick up a discarded copy around campus. All members of… Continue reading They Said What? Does the Dew
Tag: Mountain Dew
All Those in Favor
81, 80, 79, 78…Ready to go!The section with a “cool” legacy is creating one of its own. An insider suggests that AuntieGoldie has more requests for “some time” with Section I men than any other. Peruvian rugby star Jorge O’Hara describes the soccer and football teams as perhaps the best HBS has ever had. The… Continue reading All Those in Favor
The Choice for a New Generation?
Last week’s curious intersection of the first presidential debate and the Mountain Dew case (RC-MKT) got me thinking. More specifically, is there a similarity between the obscene amount of Kerry/Bush ad spending and the Pepsi/Coke market share catfight? Through the debates, both candidates are attempting to differentiate themselves despite the near-indecipherability of many of their… Continue reading The Choice for a New Generation?
The (New Improved HBS) Wisdom of the Ages
There are many wise saying, quotes and aphorisms passed down through the years from those far older and more experienced than me, but if there is one thing I have learnt at HBS* it is that pretty much everything can be improved upon by an MBA with an overoptimistic view of her own intelligence. Here,… Continue reading The (New Improved HBS) Wisdom of the Ages