The Case Study Interview

Interviewing with management consulting firms has become one of the standard practices for HBS students. Most people seem to do it at least one-either because they actually want to work for a consulting company, or because they feel they should at least interview with one. While management consulting firms were the first companies to hold… Continue reading The Case Study Interview

Letter From the Editor

Welcome to the fall 2001 edition of Access – the RC’s guidebook to a smooth and sane journey through the recruiting process. In addition to the myriad of resources available to HBS students, company presentations, a comprehensive website done by the career services group, and a weekly update inserted in the Harbus, the Access serves… Continue reading Letter From the Editor

Employees Wanted? Careers in Advertising Account Planning

A standing room only crowd filled Aldrich 7 last Tuesday to hear fran kelly (HBS ’83), President and COO of arnold worldwide, and two of his colleagues present their views on the topic of modern branding. And no, the lack of capitalization is not sloppy editing on the part of The Harbus, it is straight… Continue reading Employees Wanted? Careers in Advertising Account Planning

Edinburgh Fringe

While some members of the last January Cohort displayed their creativity during their three-week break figuring out how to obtain informational interviews, how to land jobs during one-week internships, and how to navigate Puget Sound in a kayak, Dan Koloski (OK) and his wife, Stacey, demonstrated possibly the greatest level of creativity premiering their new… Continue reading Edinburgh Fringe

WSA Media Panelists: Industry at a Crossroads

In assigning blame for the media and entertainment industry’s current economic woes, Warner Music CFO Helen Murphy spared no one. She blasted her competitors, the press, her customers- and even her fellow panelists. The upside? “It’s an exciting time to be in media,” she told an audience of job-hungry students at the Dynamic Women in… Continue reading WSA Media Panelists: Industry at a Crossroads

Columbia Business School Young Alumni Council

Getting Startedo Start the process early and stick with it. The job search can be a full time job itself. It takes time to find the right firm, get that initial meeting and build rapport. Internships are not always advertised, and you may have to volunteer time to get your foot in the door.o Be… Continue reading Columbia Business School Young Alumni Council

Team Grimace Eats up the Competition

Over 250 first-year students competed in the fun-filled Class of 2002 Color Squad Winter Games last Friday.The Purple Squad narrowly edged out Navy, thanks to a late push in the Tug-Of-War event. Grey, Gold, and Orange finished behind them.The event was designed to bring September and January students together across typical cohort boundaries.The entire Class… Continue reading Team Grimace Eats up the Competition

Recent Alumni Perspective: Model Behavior

Jeetendr Sehdev (HBS ’04) is a Brand Strategist at the world’s leading advertising agency in New York. Not your typical HBS alumnus, Jeetendr is a self-confessed pop-culture junkie with looks more suited to a fashion runway than a 40th floor office cubicle. He was born and raised in the United Kingdom where he attended a… Continue reading Recent Alumni Perspective: Model Behavior

(Business) Design: Fad or Fact?

Currently a Professor at Case Western University’s Weatherhead School of Management, Richard Buchanan is one of the world’s leading design theorists replica watches. Former head of Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Design, Buchanan joined Weatherhead’s faculty in 2008. He is also co-editor of Design Issues, a premier design journal published by MIT Press. Buchanan defines… Continue reading (Business) Design: Fad or Fact?

Disrupting Innovation: Going Beyond the Buzz-Word of the Day

Why does design theory matter, what we can learn from it, and how we can practice it? I had the opportunity to speak to Tom Hulme (HBS ‘07), Design Director at IDEO London, on the topic of design and its integration with business //, which enabled me to conclude that the concept of innovation is… Continue reading Disrupting Innovation: Going Beyond the Buzz-Word of the Day

HBS Green Living Is Hiring

Apply now for the chance to share your passion for sustainability with your fellow students while demonstrating and building your own creative leadership abilities. The HBS Green Living Program, a peer-to-peer education program that promotes sustainable living among the student body, is hiring new student Representatives. Through campaigns and outreach events, Reps aim to reduce… Continue reading HBS Green Living Is Hiring

Green Living is Hiring

Take this opportunity to share your passion for sustainable living with your fellow students and to show your creativity and leadership. The HBS Green Living Program, a peer-to-peer education program that promotes sustainable living among the student body, is hiring. Through campaigns and outreach events, Representatives aim to reduce fellow students’ energy and water consumption… Continue reading Green Living is Hiring

YES–Now is the Best Time to Start a Business

Why Now is the Best Time to Start a Business (in the market and right out of HBS) The current economic environment has sparked worry and confusion as students have begun to struggle with summer and full-time recruiting. Despite the fact that the Dow teeters above 7,000, and we are in the midst of the… Continue reading YES–Now is the Best Time to Start a Business

Summer Stories -Maureen Fan, Pixar

Both my left and right brain giggled with anticipation as I pushed through Pixar’s glass doors and flew over the rainbow into a world where dreams really do come true – where fish speak, toys have insecurities, and robots fall in love. My left and right brain constantly war with each other. At Stanford, the… Continue reading Summer Stories -Maureen Fan, Pixar

Men of Vision

At Cyberposium last weekend I had the pleasure of speaking with two very different men who both have very distinctive visions of the future. Ray Kurzweil is a futurist, inventor, entrepreneur and author who successfully predicted many of the trends of the last thirty years and has calculated that there is a good chance man… Continue reading Men of Vision

How to pick-up someone (literally!)

Finding creative solutions to business issues within a team setting can sometimes be challenging. In a business world where original ideas are rare, ways to find inspiration – when none seems available – is a critical skill. Managers are constantly asked to perform both creatively and strategically, as well as to collaboratively work in teams… Continue reading How to pick-up someone (literally!)

LGDBC Kicks Off "Week in Luxury" with a Bang

Gucci Group’s Robert PoletThe Luxury Goods and Design Business Club’s “Week in Luxury” began Monday with Gucci’s Robert Polet. Polet, whose visit coincided with his daughter’s 19th birthday (she is currently a Harvard undergrad), was appointed to his current role as president, CEO and chairman of the Management Board of Gucci Group in July 2004.… Continue reading LGDBC Kicks Off "Week in Luxury" with a Bang

HBS Marketing Conference 2005: Breakthrough Brands – Bring on the Revolution

The 3rd annual Marketing conference was held last weekend on the Harvard Business School campus, attracting approximately 300 MBA students, professionals, executives and scholars. This year’s theme was “Breakthrough Brands: Bring on the Revolution”, which emphasized the importance of evolution and innovation in the future of marketing. As expressed by the conference co-chairs, “the future… Continue reading HBS Marketing Conference 2005: Breakthrough Brands – Bring on the Revolution