How to Achieve Fiction-Writing Fame

Being a member of the fiction-writing elite is only seven simple steps away. Unlike those other become-a-famous-writer plans out there, such as the often exorbitantly priced MFA writing program option, this plan really works: Step 1: Quickly dash off a short story in which a silly teen has problems finding a complementary lover. Do not… Continue reading How to Achieve Fiction-Writing Fame

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Dufrense Piece is Welcomed New Addition to Art Collection

Me Lighting Lauren Bacall’s Cigarette in “Written on the Wind”Angela Dufrense2004Oil on canvas63 by 60 inches Last week I found myself sitting in one of the project rooms at Spangler around dusk. The sun had just set and the sky was this amazing blue color that was both dark and bright at the same time.… Continue reading Dufrense Piece is Welcomed New Addition to Art Collection