Hell Week Horror Stories

Well, this email really sums up the EC Interviewing, so we’ll let it stand alone this week. A simple impersonal email from an impersonal HR guy. Note the forwarding arrows came with, in standard blue reply font, and there is absolutely no mention of the recipient’s name, not even a “To:” header. –Original Message–From: XXXX… Continue reading Hell Week Horror Stories

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The Lowest Common Denominator or Home-Sweet-Home

MegaCorp, Cambridge Division. Brad Madeupname III, product of a leading East Coast Business School, swept confidently down the corridors of power. The young blade was eager with anticipation, ready for his first board meeting since becoming a director. His rockets were fuelled and ready to fly. En route, he exchanged knowing nods of recognition with… Continue reading The Lowest Common Denominator or Home-Sweet-Home

Chicago Cubs: Sosa goes big

Here we go again. I’m falling into the trap. I daresay this is the Cubs’ year. Yes, the NL central looks very competitive, especially with the Reds and Cards, but we have a lot going for us. ESPN has called us “this year’s Angels” meaning that we are going to match effective young starting pitching… Continue reading Chicago Cubs: Sosa goes big

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The HBS Lingo

Before HBS-WrongBeing Quiet or Making a concise statement Now-RightLoud nonsense, “organized” in outline form, referencing:a) Several exhibits showing mapsb) Generations of false expertisec) Irrelevant work experience Before HBS-Attractive MarriedSomeone’s partnerEd. SchoolWorked in marketing and has personality defect Now-Unattractive Attractive Before HBS “I plugged numbers into a spreadsheet.” Now“I learned many lessons about teamwork at Goldman… Continue reading The HBS Lingo

Clock Watching

Following my previous article regarding sex on campus, I have been on the receiving end of numerous questions, the most common being ‘Does it really go on?’ (Answer-Yes) and ‘How do they find the time?’ The aim of this article is to answer the second, with some tips and suggestions and strategies for the lonely… Continue reading Clock Watching