The KIPP Academies: Changing the Face of Education

If there is a problem, we look for a solution.If there is a better way, we find it.If we need help, we ask.If a teammate needs help, we give.– Team always beats individual– No excuses. No shortcuts. – Work Hard. Be Nice. The motto above is typical of what you find on the wall of… Continue reading The KIPP Academies: Changing the Face of Education

Driving the Tiger by John Travers (OH)

This book is a testament to seventeen remarkable Irish men and women. They have built creative, enduring enterprises through their talent, energy and initiative. They have brought pleasure to others and profit to themselves. Sixteen of them are profiled inside ‘Driving the Tiger’-the seventeenth is our distinguished fellow-student John Travers, who did much of the… Continue reading Driving the Tiger by John Travers (OH)

HBS Grad Elected NYC Mayor

Harvard Business School graduates now hold the two toughest jobs in the country. Michael Bloomberg, HBS 1966, the billionaire founder of the financial news and information network that bears his name, was elected Mayor of New York City last Tuesday, and will take on the immense task of rebuilding the city’s economy and psyche in… Continue reading HBS Grad Elected NYC Mayor

Clubs Sponsor New Foundations Classes

HBS students already identify themselves with Foundations. It is their first contact with HBS and the first building blocks of their graduate school education. HBS student run clubs have an important role in further building those blocks through improving our understanding of specific topics as well as each other. The High Tech & New Media… Continue reading Clubs Sponsor New Foundations Classes

Ask the Local:

Where should I buy an engagement ring?Dear Local –I’m thinking of getting hitched – where would you go to get a ring for your honey?Lucky in Love, NF Lucky –Amazingly enough (what a coincidence!), I just went through this very ordeal, I mean pleasure, this summer. I’ll tell you what I know.First off, there is… Continue reading Ask the Local:

Tax Relief Made Easy

With April 15th fast approaching, it’s time to pull out your old tax returns and figure out where you put last year’s receipts for your charitable donations. For many years HBS students have been going to Lewis Weinstein of GenerationTax to help them sort through the maze of tax rules and regulations in hopes of… Continue reading Tax Relief Made Easy

Catching the Real Estate Train

There is no denying it. Real estate is all the rage at HBS these days. The evidence is everywhere: the explosion in Real Estate Club membership, massive over-subscription to the school’s one real estate class, and of course, intense competition for positions in the field. Only a few years ago, interest in this industry was… Continue reading Catching the Real Estate Train

Harvard Files Amicus Brief On the Consideration of Race in Admissions Decisions

Harvard University, together with Yale University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, and Duke University, has filed an amicus brief in the Michigan cases pending before the United States Supreme Court. The brief supports the right of institutions of higher education to consider race as one factor… Continue reading Harvard Files Amicus Brief On the Consideration of Race in Admissions Decisions

Veritas. Truth. "And the truth shall set you free."

Black History Month is regarded as a time of reflection. A time to appreciate the contributions of African-Americans who believed in individual sacrifice for the benefit of the community. African-Americans who understood that sometimes you must forfeit personal gain for broad advancement. African Americans who were so committed to visions of the future that they… Continue reading Veritas. Truth. "And the truth shall set you free."

New HBS Alumnae Co-President Stresses Value of HBS Network

Jean McCormick, HBS ’88, defies many of the traditional female stereotypes. Most notably, she has a deep and enduring passion for sports despite never having excelled on the playing field. Research on how ‘talking sports’ affects women in business at Wellesley, her undergrad alma mater, culminated in a book entitled, “Talk Sports Like a Pro… Continue reading New HBS Alumnae Co-President Stresses Value of HBS Network

Another Model for Leadership and Community Values at HBS

Recently, an issue came up in Section A. Without getting into specifics–and since most of you probably know them anyway–the crux of the issue was: what does a section do when the majority wants to do one thing but the minority is opposed? The answer proposed to us by our section chair was that a… Continue reading Another Model for Leadership and Community Values at HBS

HBS Dean's Award Celebrates Leadership and Service

Martin Gonzalez refused to let colon cancer prevent him from making the most of his Harvard Business School experience inside and outside the classroom. Mo-Yun Lei used her education background to enrich the learning process of her HBS classmates. In recognition of their service to the Business School community, these students received the sixth annual… Continue reading HBS Dean's Award Celebrates Leadership and Service

Harbus Foundation Expands For Greater Impact

The Harbus Foundation, a student-run foundation funded by the Harbus News Corp., has expanded its operations beyond traditional grantmaking, to include venture philanthropy and greater campus outreach. “The organization is ready to grow,” said Rebecca Walden (OJ), a member of the Foundation’s management team. “The Foundation has done a great job of funding local nonprofits… Continue reading Harbus Foundation Expands For Greater Impact

Editorial: Scratching the Fa‡ade

HBS launches its first-ever capital campaign to raise $500 million, to be separate from the endowment Last Saturday, September 21, at a business-star-studded, all-day event held on campus, Harvard Business School launched its first-ever capital campaign – to raise $500 million. Coverage of the event will be featured in next week’s Harbus, and that may… Continue reading Editorial: Scratching the Fa‡ade

The Illusion of Eve:

My parents always told me a story about how each generation is supposed to do “better” than the last generation, and make life “better” for the next generation. This “progress” is why we work so hard, struggle, and sacrifice. My great-grandmother mentions this “progress” every time she sees my children. Yet it seems so elusive… Continue reading The Illusion of Eve:

Leading Toward a Better World? Filling the Gaps of Globalization

Leading Toward a Better World? Filling the Gaps of Globalization By Prof. Rosabeth Moss Kanter Special Featured Contributor Seven months ago the horrible terrorist attacks on the United States precipitated a crisis addressed in the short-term by military actions and security measures. But what will it take in the longer run to lead the world… Continue reading Leading Toward a Better World? Filling the Gaps of Globalization

A Bridge Between Hi-Tech and Education:

Cutting edge’ is hardly the traditional view of the non-profit sector. However, this is the aspect that attracted Bob Halperin (HBS MBA 1982) to a career in education. Halperin is responsible for HBS’s custom executive education business at HBS Interactive (HBSi) and was a co-founder of the HBS Social Enterprise Fellowship Program. Halperin has not… Continue reading A Bridge Between Hi-Tech and Education:

Hillary Rodham Clinton Addresses KSG's Institute of Politics

Exactly six months after the September 11 terrorist attacks, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed a capacity crowd at the Kennedy School of Government’s Institute of Politics. In a speech mostly revolving around the consequences of the War Against Terrorism, but also touching on many other current political issues, Senator Clinton emphasized the potential… Continue reading Hillary Rodham Clinton Addresses KSG's Institute of Politics

Reading, Writing, and Return

Everyone seems to agree that the public education system in the U.S. is deficient in many ways. The U.S. Supreme Court is now hearing arguments about school vouchers’ applicability to religious schools in Cleveland. This week’s Economist runs the school voucher debate as its cover story. Last weekend’s AASU conference featured a lively and at… Continue reading Reading, Writing, and Return

A Summer with The Broad Foundation

It wasn’t the most conventional interview, but I knew it wouldn’t be when his assistant told me I could “ride with him to the airport”. I was meeting Dan Katzir, Managing Director of The Broad Foundation, an entrepreneurial, grant-making organization that funds innovative efforts to dramatically improve governance, management, and labor relations in the nation’s… Continue reading A Summer with The Broad Foundation

Slamming Doors

HBS opens many doors. Unfortunately, the tuition itself closes others. We’ve all heard about the astronomical endowment. Harvard University supposedly has enough funding to allow all students to attend HBS for the next several decades for free without causing much of a dent in the piggy bank. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea. During… Continue reading Slamming Doors

Dr. King's Advice to Future Leaders

Last Monday’s observance of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday provided an excellent opportunity to reflect on his legacy. In his lifetime, he accomplished something many of us aspire to do: He created and achieved a vision that impacted the global community. What advice would Dr. King give to us as we prepare to be tomorrow’s… Continue reading Dr. King's Advice to Future Leaders

Forming Family Connections at HBS

Moving to Boston with a family is no easy task.Questions regarding education, school-clothesshopping, local pediatricians – and more – abound. TheHBS Partner’s Club is hosting a variety of events thismonth to help families ease into a new life in Bostonand to help them forge relationships with fellowstudents. This month, events are open to all families(first… Continue reading Forming Family Connections at HBS

Congressman Harold E. Ford, Jr.: The Next Big Thing

If you were lucky enough to have been present at the Kennedy School of Government’s ARCO Forum last Wednesday night, you were privy to a wonderful treat! Congressman Harold E. Ford, Jr. (D-Tennessee), the second youngest member of the United States House of Representatives, delivered a dynamic public address before a diverse crowd of students,… Continue reading Congressman Harold E. Ford, Jr.: The Next Big Thing

EC Students Considering Class Gift Campaign Fellowships identified as vehicle for greatest impact

A group of second-year students have begun meeting with members of the administration and the HBS Fund to consider spearheading a Class of 2001 Gift Program. The group currently includes Kumsal Bayazit (OC), Shana Hunter (OA), Demond Martin (OB), Stephen Moret (OC), Julie Neenan (OH), Mike Pierce (OB), Anoop Prakash (OC), Andy Stevenson (OB), Conley… Continue reading EC Students Considering Class Gift Campaign
Fellowships identified as vehicle for greatest impact

Weill's Waltz Down Wall Street

Sandy Weill, CEO of Citigroup, is revered and feared, but few would argue that long ago he secured the title of “Wall Street’s Dealmaker”. His tenure at Citigroup has not only incorporated a long history of large and successful mergers and acquisitions, but has also resulted in tremendous profits for Citigroup shareholders. In the last… Continue reading Weill's Waltz Down Wall Street

Ron Meyer, The Mogul Next Door

Ron Meyer is one of the most successful business leaders in Hollywood, with a distinguished career built from scratch on tenacity and his own brand of education. His current role as President and COO of Universal Studios includes oversight of Universal Pictures, Focus Features, Universal Television, USA Network, the SCI FI Channel, and Universal Theme… Continue reading Ron Meyer, The Mogul Next Door