NH?s Unsung Heroes

I know I?m always raving about my section, and people probably think I?m exaggerating, but honestly speaking, New H this year just may be the best section in the history of the world. Rather than speak about the entire section now, I just wanted to mention a few people specifically, and I will call them the Unsung Heroes of New H, or UHNH. I was hesitant to do this, because I will undoubtedly leave many noteworthy names off my list, and so, if I have done so, I?m sorry. My excuse is that Finance has started. And my solution is that this list is open-ended, and shall continue until the end of time.

I have called the following people Unsung Heroes because they are not section officers, and they spend a significant amount of their own time and effort to make our section so much better. It?s all out of the goodness in their hearts; there?s no benefit to their resumes.

Robert Kimmel: Our unofficial Skydeck President. He?s a funny, funny man. While he sports a new attitude along with his new haircut, he continues to keep us laughing. From the very first week, he has kept a weekly log of the funny things said in class, he?s organized weekly meetings, and he?s put together some amazingly funny presentations that the Section enjoys every Friday. He does garner the assistance of other great, funny people such as Amanda Renteria, Josh Jarrett, Jim Galovan, R.J. Sheedy, and Brian Kline.

Eric Hiller: The King of TOM. He worked at Ford and is one of the few who understood Manufacturing Lead Time and Cycle time before school started. Before the midterm, Eric spent his weekend preparing to lead a review session for our section.

David Schlendorf and Walter Delph: Our beloved soccer and football coaches. We?ve got great spirit on our teams, and these guys lead the packs. They get people excited to come play in the games, and they get people excited to watch the games, which is why there is always a high number of Section H-ers on the field every week.

Robin Kennedy: Because intramural rules state that we always need to have female representation on our soccer and football teams, Robin has played in all of the games. She?s been sick?coughing on the field with eyes red?and yet, she?s always out there. Oftentimes, she has to play the entire game, but she?s great and she never complains.
Pat Brannelly, Dante Anderson, Amy Rabinowitz, Lisa Jacobs, and John Kelleher: They combined forces to help the section recap all of our LEAD materials before the midterm. I mean the Developmental Feedback Exercise.

There were also numerous others who have hosted social events for the section?Korean BBQ, Grendel?s lunch, Halloween party, and Priscilla Pre-party, among others. And I?m sure I still missed other people. Again, this is an on-going list. Anyway, to all of those Unsung Heroes of New H, Thank You!!!