Are Social Enterprises Better as For-Profits or Non-Profits?

Social entrepreneurship is certainly not a foreign term here in the Harvard community. In fact, it has gained momentous support over the years from both students and faculty. The Social Enterprise Initiative was launched in 1993, the first Social Enterprise Conference was launched in 2000, and the HBS Business Plan Competition added a social enterprise… Continue reading Are Social Enterprises Better as For-Profits or Non-Profits?

Green Living: HBS Students and Corporate Partner to Offset Their Carbon Emissions

The HBS Green Week carbon neutrality initiative concluded last week when the Business and Environment Club received sponsorship from Waste Management, Inc., the leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services in North America. Together, HBS students and Waste Management will purchase and retire Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Financial Instruments, representing 700 metric tons of… Continue reading Green Living: HBS Students and Corporate Partner to Offset Their Carbon Emissions

HBSers Share Views on Direction for US Immigration Policy

The United States Congress is considering legislation to address immigration.ÿ This legislation could have political and economic effects both in and outside the US. The Harbus asked HBSers the following questions: 1. Please select the item that you are MOST in favor of in regard to US immigration policy. A. Increasing the quotas for skilled… Continue reading HBSers Share Views on Direction for US Immigration Policy

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President Summers Speaks on the US' Current Account Paradox

“History suggests that a deficit of seven-plus percent [of GDP] and rising rarely end happy,” said President Summers in a speech last Wednesday at the Burden Auditorium. The former Treasury Secretary, in possibly his last address to the Harvard Business School as Harvard President, warned the large RC audience of the dangers of a ballooning… Continue reading President Summers Speaks on the US' Current Account Paradox

Energy Symposium: Prominent Figures Speak to Unlimited Opportunities in Sector

Under the theme of “The Biggest Opportunity in the World”, a lineup of top-level speakers visited HBS this past Wednesday for the annual Energy Symposium. The event was hosted by the HBS Energy Club, and from the record turnout and record number of speakers it was clear that interest in the subject matter has climbed… Continue reading Energy Symposium: Prominent Figures Speak to Unlimited Opportunities in Sector

HBS Insider: Financial Markets and Investments

While HBS may be known as a General Management-focused school, many of us have a strong interest in the behavior of financial markets. Whether implicitly (through a 401k) or explicitly (being interested in a career in asset management), we are all tied to the performance of publicly traded securities. Even the rates we pay on… Continue reading HBS Insider: Financial Markets and Investments

NI and Major US Utility Raise Fund to Offset CO2 Emissions

It all started with a Fin 1 case on acid rains. The case explained how Southern Company, a coal power plant operator acquired sulfur dioxide (So2) allowances to offset its polluting emissions. Inspired by the story, NI decided to apply the same market mechanisms to offset its emissions of CO2, one of the main greenhouse… Continue reading NI and Major US Utility Raise Fund to Offset CO2 Emissions

San Francisco Alumni Club

Hi,I was actually editor of the Harbus back in 1978 (seems recent to me.) Now I am membership director of the HBS Association of Northern California (HBSANC). I believe that we and NY are the two largest HBS Alumni groups in the US. Somehow we would like to communicate to the graduating class of 2005… Continue reading San Francisco Alumni Club