Last week the Harbus ran a special section for skiers. Included in this section were articles on saving money on the slopes and avoiding overcrowded mountains. As it so often happens, the topic of Nordic skiing was overlooked, though it offered a remedy to both problems. Nordic, or cross country skiing, is a great alternative… Continue reading Crossing the Chasm:
Tag: New Hampshire
HBS Streaks to Victory
On Friday, February 22, delegations from nearly 20 MBA programs descended upon Hanover, New Hampshire to take part in a long-standing B-School tradition, The Tuck Winter Carnival. HBS racers barely made it to their hotel rooms before the tone for the weekend was set. A group of other MBA students eagerly greeted us as we… Continue reading HBS Streaks to Victory
Intraview Post-Game Interview
Me n’ Her: Goldie: This is the first time I’ve ever considered asking this question in an Intraview interview, but here it goes: Who would you say came closest to death on this Intraview? Gelman: No one in my definition (emphasis added) came close to death. But if we’re talking close like in horseshoes, then… Continue reading Intraview Post-Game Interview
Harvard Business School Blood Drive
Tuesday, July 17, 2001, 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Shad HallTop 10 Reasons to Give Blood 10. You’ll get a sticker you can wear the rest of the day – “Be nice to me, I donated blood today.”9. You can add a new vocabulary word to your daily conversations to describe your heroic experience:* Phlebotomy… Continue reading Harvard Business School Blood Drive
Ask the Local:
Local – I keep meaning to get out more, and they keep telling me the weather is going to improve. Where can I go for a hike? Jim, NG Dear Jim – Here’s a range of options, depending on your time and fortitude. They are all within 2 1/2 hours of campus, and all provide… Continue reading Ask the Local:
Yomping in New England
“Why am I doing this to myself?” This is the question that keeps on nagging me as I roll out of bed at 5:45am on a Saturday morning. It is still nearly an hour before sunrise and the Friday night party beats are still rattling through my semi-conscious body. I reach something resembling a vertical… Continue reading Yomping in New England
Maybe it’s just me, but I honestly view graduation as the coming of the apocalypse. When friends talk to me about plans for the summer or next year, I’m almost confused. What do you mean? I have to leave? It’s not even so much that I’m scared of graduating; I’m literally completely in denial. Relationships… Continue reading Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
Explore Local Destinations with
Do you find yourself stuck in the same routine during weekends? Do you wish there were more to life than laundry and walking across the bridge? You might not get the time to fly to London, but you feel it would be refreshing to explore someplace new, quaint and potentially “New England” with your friends… Continue reading Explore Local Destinations with
“The G-25”
When the new Section H arrived at the Eagle Mountain House, a resort in Jackson, New Hampshire, they thought they were just in for a fun weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the Harvard Business School and Boston, but instead the community invited them as a group of distinguished guests. So how did… Continue reading “The G-25”
It’s Never Been a Better Time to be a Democrat
In many ways, this election reminds me of FDR’s 1932 campaign. FDR ran a campaign as a great communicator against the stumpy Herbert Hoover. He campaigned through a tumultuous economic environment, with a failing banking system, high unemployment, and in a relatively hostile global environment. The 1932 election was also transformative. During the 70 years… Continue reading It’s Never Been a Better Time to be a Democrat
A Note from the Editor
Welcome back. It was an eventful break. We saw oil finally finish its inexorable climb toward $100 a barrel, HBS students scrambling to avoid the violence in Kenya, and the historic assassination of former prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto. America has also been captivated by a Presidential election pregnant with energy. A Harvard MBA… Continue reading A Note from the Editor
HBS Blades Capture Tuck MBA Hockey Tournament Championship
How do you know it’s time to head home after an HBS weekend trip? For Craig Lund (NH) and his HBS Blades teammates, it wasn’t the pressure of reading cases or a long drive home from Dartmouth. When the referee of the championship game at the annual Tuck MBA Hockey Tournament ejected Lund with the… Continue reading HBS Blades Capture Tuck MBA Hockey Tournament Championship
Reach the Beach: HBSers Persevere in Country's Longest Distance Run
Ask some HBS students what they think of Bretton Woods and you may get some slightly pained expressions that betray a fierce bout with one of BGIE’s most intimidating characters. But for Kate Kohler and the five other ECs who joined her in a two-day relay that spanned 208 miles of New England terrain last… Continue reading Reach the Beach: HBSers Persevere in Country's Longest Distance Run