Can It Be? That Guy's EXCLUSIVE Interview with Jack Guerrero

Can It Be? That Guy’s EXCLUSIVE Interview with Jack Guerrero It’s snowing in Hell. Monkeys are flying out of my butt. Pigs are sprouting wings. You guessed it-That Guy is making his peace with Section I. For those of you who have followed my column this term, you know that I’ve given the I-ers a… Continue reading Can It Be? That Guy's EXCLUSIVE Interview with Jack Guerrero

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz responds to criticism of President Larry Summers

In my 41 years at Harvard, I have never experienced a president more open to debate, disagreement, and dialog than Larry Summers. It is utter nonsense for professors to claim that they are held hostage to fear. Summers welcomes debate and controversy more than any president I have ever served under. Professors who are afraid… Continue reading Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz responds to criticism of President Larry Summers

Larry Summers: A Presidency In Trouble?

Last Tuesday, February 15th, at a Harvard University faculty meeting, President Larry Summers was confronted by members of the faculty who criticized Summers’ recent remarks about women in science as well as the President’s leadership record over his four-year tenure at the University. An emergency faculty meeting has been called for Tuesday, February 22nd to… Continue reading Larry Summers: A Presidency In Trouble?

They Said It…

“The Achilles’ Heel of globalization is that we’ve been driven to over-optimization resulting in maximum vulnerability.”Niall Ferguson, attempting to explain the underlying cause of the current financial contagion. “If you board a Boeing 777 from Beijing to JFK airport, you’d have a hard time picking which one was the emerging market.” Jeffrey Immelt, illustrating the… Continue reading They Said It…

Saving Capitalism from Itself

Larry Summers’ keynote at the centennial business summit argues that business leaders must change their thinking to consider the threats against capitalism. The final plenary session of the Centennial Business Summit surfaced ideas that many of the participants were thinking throughout the conference: How will the form of capitalism we all know and love transform… Continue reading Saving Capitalism from Itself

Thoughts on Summers' Resignation from Harbus Readers

“Summers, from allÿI could learn, was a breath of fresh air for the University.ÿ True, he rattled some sacrocant cages and may not have been the relatively-passive or quiescent leader in the mold of Rudenstein or Pusey, but on the other hand, he was willing to challenge centuries-old shibboleths about how the joint should be… Continue reading Thoughts on Summers' Resignation from Harbus Readers

To the Rescue: HBS Charity Auction Nets Over $11,000 for Disaster Victims

$11,877. At a place like HBS, where daily discussions focus on multi-billion-dollar corporations and multi million-dollar profit margins, that doesn’t seem like a huge sum of money. But to the victims of the recent disasters on the Gulf Coast and in Pakistan, it can make a huge difference. Thanks to the generosity of many HBS… Continue reading To the Rescue: HBS Charity Auction Nets Over $11,000 for Disaster Victims

The "Sec-C-est" Students This Side of Spangler

Dating all the way back to mid-late-2004, the Class of 2006’s Section C has a long and storied history of existence here at HBS. In the many, many months since we first arrived en masse in the dark, decrepit basement of un-renovated Aldrich, Section C, affectionately (and appropriately) known as “Sec-C,” has developed a reputation… Continue reading The "Sec-C-est" Students This Side of Spangler

Letter from Larry Summers to the Faculty Regarding NBER Remarks

Dear Colleagues: At the request of Professors Grosz, Hammonds, Skocpol, and others, I am making available a transcript of my remarks at the January 14 conference as well as the questions and answers that followed. Although I had intended them as informal and speculative, and was reluctant to reopen wounds, I want to be responsive… Continue reading Letter from Larry Summers to the Faculty Regarding NBER Remarks