India Healthcare- IXP

This past January 33 HBS students traveled to India as part of the Healthcare Immersion Experience Program with faculty leader Richard Hamermesh. During this 10 day program, students traveled to Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai to learn first-hand how healthcare is delivered in India. From meetings with government officials, entrepreneurs, local hospitals and clinics, consulting firms,… Continue reading India Healthcare- IXP

IXP – South Africa: From Cape Town to Johannesburg

Cape Town is situated in between a mountain range and the Atlantic Ocean, and this unique geography makes it one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever visited. It is also a city of extremes as some residents live opulent lifestyles while others live in abject poverty. A few weeks ago, I journeyed to Africa… Continue reading IXP – South Africa: From Cape Town to Johannesburg

The Haiti IXP

In addition to the consulting work that we did, the team had several cultural and professional opportunities, which made for an exciting and inspiring trip. Student leader, Kathleen Hebert (OI), kept a blog at //, from which the following is summarized. The Environment We arrive in Port-au-Prince and are immediately overwhelmed by our surroundings. It… Continue reading The Haiti IXP

IXP – Rwanda Nziza! Students Explore Beautiful Rwanda

Twenty-six HBS students set out this fall of 2010 as part of the Rwanda IXP to learn about Rwanda’s striking journey of recovery since the Genocide, to work on consulting projects with local entrepreneurs, non-profit and public sector organizations and to enjoy an exotic African adventure. Rwanda Nziza literally means “Beautiful Rwanda,” but to the… Continue reading IXP – Rwanda Nziza! Students Explore Beautiful Rwanda

IXP – The Brazilian Rendezvous

Contemporary global economic parlance has an acronym “BRIC” referring to four large emerging countries deemed to be at a similar stage of economic growth. While China and India are often referred to as the engines for world GDP growth, it is the “B” within the BRIC that holds some of the world’s largest agricultural, petroleum… Continue reading IXP – The Brazilian Rendezvous

IXP – The Good, The Bad & The ‘Lank

The HBS Outdoors Club made its first ever trek to Sri Lanka this J-term, and 22 lucky members enjoyed the stunning landscape and friendly people over eleven days of adventure. From testing their TOM skills with a nerdy visit to the Pedro Estate Tea Factory, to viewing Avatar-esque countryside in Dickoya and spectacular cliffs from… Continue reading IXP – The Good, The Bad & The ‘Lank

What’s Next For New Orleans?

Having recently marked the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill disaster, New Orleans is now coping with new social and community redevelopment challenges. As the only US service-based January Term IXP, the 2011 New Orleans IXP will offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience first-hand one of the most… Continue reading What’s Next For New Orleans?

How Can HBS Help in Haiti?

On January 12th, 2010 a disastrous earthquake struck Haiti just 15 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince. The consequences were grave: over 220,000 people died, more than 300,000 people were injured, and much of the capital city was left in ruin. The world responded with promises of support as Haiti rebuilt and recovered from the tragedy. Everyone… Continue reading How Can HBS Help in Haiti?

Pura Vida!

“Imagine a bunch of HBS students who are used to the Hilton roughing it in mildew-smelling bunk beds with cockroaches and waking up to the soothing sounds of Howler Monkeys.” The spring 2010 Costa Rica IXP embarked on a journey to understand Pura Vida and how this concept impacts Costa Rica, the government and the… Continue reading Pura Vida!

IXP 2010-Immersion Experience Program

This winter, the Immersion Experience Program (IXP) continued its focus on participant-centered, field-based experiential learning activities.ÿIn January, almost 400 HBS students took part in six international programs – China, India, Peru, Rwanda, UAE/Bahrain and Vietnam – and three domestic programs – New Orleans, Silicon Valley and Boston – giving first- and second-year students an opportunity… Continue reading IXP 2010-Immersion Experience Program

IXP – Peru

As I packed my bags in the early hours of a cold Monday morning, I wasn’t sure what to expect over the next two weeks. I was one of 49 students from HBS headed on an Immersion to Peru, led by Professor Diego Comin. Amidst the cluttered array of my last-minute packing, I picked up… Continue reading IXP – Peru


With January just around the corner, The Harbus is getting its wanderlust on. Last year, we devoted an entire issue to global immersion coverage. In anticipation of all the captivating places you will visit and people you will encounter over J-Term, we would like to share the history of the Winter Immersion Experience Program at… Continue reading WINTER IMMERSION EXPERIENCE PROGRAM

2009 India IXP

Forty-two HBS students decided to spend their spring break on the India Immersion eXPerience, a trip that proved to be one of the most amazing learning experiences of their MBA curriculum. Led by faculty professors Shawn Cole and Aldo Musacchio, the IXP clearly surpassed all expectations providing exposure to many diverse aspects of the Indian… Continue reading 2009 India IXP

2009 Health Care IXP

Forty-four HBS and HSPH students gathered on campus to learn about the intricacies of the health care industry, brush up their medical knowledge, and hear from top medical and health care leaders. I discovered in January that you don’t have to go to Mexico, Israel, or China to get the benefits of an immersion.the Health… Continue reading 2009 Health Care IXP

Immersion Experience – Reflections on the Silicon Valley IXP

The Silicon Valley IXP, Led by Professors Tom Eisenmann and Mike Roberts, brought fifty students with entrepreneurial ambitions to the Bay Area for six days in early January, to meet with the people and institutions that have led to the emergence of the region as the global leader in technological innovation and entrepreneurial success. Supplemented… Continue reading Immersion Experience – Reflections on the Silicon Valley IXP

Immersion Experience – Mexico: En memoria de mi primo

The hills beckoned on the last morning of the Mexico IXP. Our Crowne Plaza hotel overlooked the city’s central river, beyond which low hills rose to the Sierra Madre. We had been in Monterrey three days but I had not had time to jog through the city (a habit of mine when traveling). Just across… Continue reading Immersion Experience – Mexico: En memoria de mi primo

Winter Immersion Experience Program

The Immersion Experience Program (IXP) maximizes participant-centered learning experiences by combining the School’s distinctive case method of teaching with field-based learning activities that integrate first- and second-year students. The IXP model offers MBA students an opportunity to develop deeper relationships with faculty in a more personal, small-group learning environment. The cornerstone of the IXP is… Continue reading Winter Immersion Experience Program