In one of my first-year BGIE classes I offered a potential solution to an economic and political problem by quoting Switzerland, my home country, as a role model. Unfortunately, my professor did not appreciate it as expected. I approached him after class, and he told me that Switzerland would never hold as a replicable example… Continue reading The Loss of Innocence
Tag: Berlin
Where Did All This Art Come From?
If you’re a first year in Aldrich, you’ve probably walked by a few paintings on your way to class and wondered who, what and why are these up on our walls? As for second years, you’ve probably become accustomed and maybe even desensitized to the interesting and sometimes provocative pieces that also hang in the… Continue reading Where Did All This Art Come From?
Movie Review: Eurotrip
Eurotrip is not a great film. However, it is a very, very good film if you are in the mood. And by the ‘mood’, I mean the mood to remember what it felt like to be 18, to laugh at easy gags and to really relax at the cinema. It comes from the same group… Continue reading Movie Review: Eurotrip
Photography in the Halls of it Art?
An insightful review of the works of artist Shiman Attie, as featured in the halls of Spangler. Photography can sometimes be very difficult to look at and contemplate as a piece of art. Early in its development it served a very specific purpose. It relieved artists from the manual task of having to record historical… Continue reading Photography in the Halls of it Art?