How You Can Ace the Product Management Interview

Product Management - Business Concept. Green Arrow with "Product Management" Slogan on a Grey Background. 3D Render.

January is a busy time for job applicants and recruiters. For the curious, check out Google Trends for job searches. If you are one of the lucky few who won the job application lottery and have been invited to interview – Congratulations! Interviewing can be a nerve wracking process, whether you are graduating from college… Continue reading How You Can Ace the Product Management Interview

You Are Not Eligible: International Recruiting at HBS

Thinking businessman in light bulb against grey room with globe graphic

Some of the smartest people in the world dream to get into the greatest institution for business education – Harvard Business School! While one may want to join HBS for different reasons – the learning, the network, the brand, or simply the experience, it would be fair to say that jobs are very high on… Continue reading You Are Not Eligible: International Recruiting at HBS

PRIMARY COLORS Bringing Clarity to Career Planning

The new year starts. For the class of 2019, the new, challenging, and hopefully rewarding world of HBS is coming into focus. For the class of 2018, the freedom, diversity, and enrichment of the EC year awaits. The question of career and first job choice is lurking somewhere in just about everyone’s psyche though as… Continue reading PRIMARY COLORS Bringing Clarity to Career Planning

Overheard at the Doubletree

In honor of figuring out our life purpose … escaping the herd  … I mean, recruiting season, we present to you a customer segmentation for our dedicated friends at the Careers and Professional Development (CPD) office. Venture Capitalist Vikram                 … You see, I just love technology: virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality … Anything… Continue reading Overheard at the Doubletree

Deciding on a Job: Don’t Overthink It

Last year the column entitled Primary Colors provided a framework for how to think about career choices. The main thesis of the piece was that there were three broad pathways to choose between, and the fundamental choice was deciding which one appealed to you. These pathways were described as operator with CEO being the ultimate… Continue reading Deciding on a Job: Don’t Overthink It

From MBA to Fortune 500 CEO: Fireside Chat with Steven Reinemund, former PepsiCo CEO

It is hard to know what to expect when going to meet a Harvard Business School case protagonist in person. In our HBS cases, most CEOs spend an awful lot of time staring out of windows in heavy contemplation. Windows, it seemed, were critical to learning. This robust theory was unequivocally overturned when I met… Continue reading From MBA to Fortune 500 CEO: Fireside Chat with Steven Reinemund, former PepsiCo CEO

A CEO’s Career: Interview with Ellen Kullman, former CEO of DuPont

Ellen Kullman, chairman and chief executive officer of DuPont Co., poses for a photograph following a Bloomberg Television interview on day two of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. World leaders, influential executives, bankers and policy makers attend the 43rd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the five day event runs from Jan. 23-27. Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Many HBS students dream of breaking into the C-Suite, but how does one get there? Careers in general management are highly sought-after as they offer broad management training and preparation for senior roles. To learn more about this path, I sat down with Ellen Kullman, former CEO of DuPont and board member of General Motors.… Continue reading A CEO’s Career: Interview with Ellen Kullman, former CEO of DuPont

Dear Manbassadors: A blog for men to confidentially ask the tough gender questions

Gender equality is a mission everyone can and should get behind. But sometimes it’s easier said than done. Despite having a clear goal, we all encounter difficult situations, or gray areas, that leave us sometimes confused as to the appropriate, or “correct” action. Continuing their mission of promoting gender equality, the Manbassadors of HBS have… Continue reading Dear Manbassadors: A blog for men to confidentially ask the tough gender questions

Resisting the Path of Least Resistance

By Tiffany Zhou, Harvard Business School Class of 2017 There’s been an odd gloom on campus lately, and I’m not talking about the weather. I’m talking about those of us who are still figuring out what to do this summer. It’s understandably jarring—we spent all of first semester philosophizing about leadership, changing the world, finding… Continue reading Resisting the Path of Least Resistance

#OverheardOnWestrek – Tactical tips on how to break into start-ups, big tech and VC

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By Jennifer Hurford, Harvard Business School Class of 2017 Secretly thankful you didn’t get any of those consulting/banking jobs you felt FOMOed into interviewing for? Here are some tips for getting a job in tech and VC brought to you straight from the mouths of HBS SF alums in big tech, start-ups, clean tech, and VC.… Continue reading #OverheardOnWestrek – Tactical tips on how to break into start-ups, big tech and VC

MBA Recruiting as Marketing and Sales

Harbus Sponsored Content By Zach Mayo, RelishMBA COO Before I started my MBA in 2013 at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, I worked in B2B sales for a series of small businesses and start-ups. I sold modular furniture sets, web marketing services, and software. I never had a passion for sales, and… Continue reading MBA Recruiting as Marketing and Sales

Leveling the Playing Field: Lower the Cost of Pursuing an MBA

With acceptance rates at top MBA programs ranging from 7% to 20% and recent studies showing that over 50% of MBA applicants use an MBA consultant, the cost for competing begins early in the MBA pursuit process and has steepened dramatically. This advice comes at a steep price, though: the average hourly rate for admissions… Continue reading Leveling the Playing Field: Lower the Cost of Pursuing an MBA

Alumni Career Advice & Perspectives: Asha Haji, EF Education First

The Harbus Chief Operating Officer, Natasha Larsen, spoke with HBS aluma, Asha Haji, about EF Education First, how it fits into the social enterprise world, and advice to those interested in the space. The Harbus: Tell us about your industry Asha Haji: For starters, I wouldn’t call social enterprise an industry; rather it’s a space… Continue reading Alumni Career Advice & Perspectives: Asha Haji, EF Education First

Alumni Career Advice & Perspectives: Katy George, Director at McKinsey

The Harbus Chief Operating Officer, Natasha Larsen, spoke with HBS PhD aluma, Katy George, about her path to McKinsey, experiences there, and advice to would-be consultants. The Harbus: What was your path from HBS to your current position? KG: I came to Harvard to do a Ph.D. in Business Economics and fell in love with the Technology… Continue reading Alumni Career Advice & Perspectives: Katy George, Director at McKinsey

MBA Recruiting Insights from Sydney Kardashian West

  Steve Hind, Harbus Editor-in-Chief As the HBS community takes on recruiting season, Sydney Kardashian West, son of Harbus CEO/Editor-in-Chief, Steve Hind (MBA ‘16), and his fiancé, Steph Stojanovic, shares his insights from a one-on-one session with his HBS career coach. Determined to choose the right career trajectory, Sydney was asked the following questions in… Continue reading MBA Recruiting Insights from Sydney Kardashian West

The first six months of building a startup while at HBS: A reflection

For the past 6 months, HBS EC student Tess Brooks has been building Confi (, an online community for young women seeking advice on health topics that can be uncomfortable to talk about (OB/GYN, sexual health, mental health, communication, etc.). Here, Tess reflects on her experience as a first-time founder, working full-time on her startup… Continue reading The first six months of building a startup while at HBS: A reflection

Alumni Recruiting Advice: L.E.K. Consulting with Gil Moran (HBS ’08)

  The Harbus was lucky enough to sit down with Harvard Business School Alum Gil Moran (MBA ‘08), Principal at L.E.K. Consulting, and asked him about the management consulting industry, L.E.K.’s unique culture, and what he looks for in a successful applicant during the recruitment process. —————————————————————–   Megan Fairbank: Tell us one thing about… Continue reading Alumni Recruiting Advice: L.E.K. Consulting with Gil Moran (HBS ’08)

Alumni Fashion & Apparel Recruiting Advice with ‘Adore Me’ Founder & CEO

The Harbus had the opportunity to sit down with HBS Alum Morgan Hermand-Waiche (MBA ‘10), Founder & CEO of apparel company Adore Me, and asked him to share his thoughts on the fashion industry, how he differentiates himself from competitors, and what he looks for in a successful applicant during his own recruitment process. Megan… Continue reading Alumni Fashion & Apparel Recruiting Advice with ‘Adore Me’ Founder & CEO

In recruiting, hardly anyone asks about money before they get an offer: Why!?

Money background

Editor-in-Chief Steve Hind (HBS ’16) surveyed EC students last week to examine when in the recruiting process they think it’s okay to ask about compensation. The overwhelming answer was: don’t ask until you have an offer. CPD gave the same advice. Steve asks: Why!? Don’t ask about compensation until you have an offer from a… Continue reading In recruiting, hardly anyone asks about money before they get an offer: Why!?


Golden Knowledge

The Harbus was lucky enough to sit down with Old Section Cer, Mochi Peabody, to kick off this inaugural column dedicated to covering some of the school’s most relevant – and sometimes controversial – topics.   Passionate about giving back to the HBS community in a meaningful way, this four-legged friend has agreed to share… Continue reading INTERVIEWING ADVICE FROM OUR BEST FRIENDS

5 Questions You Might Get Asked in Your ‘HBS Interview’

Interview between businessmen

It’s fall, and New England is full of quintessential charm with ideal weather, apple picking, hayrides, and a rush of  ‘leaf peepers’ who are here for the beautiful foliage. Although many would call autumn Boston’s most fun and spirited time of year, it’s also an intense and pivotal season for those hoping to score a… Continue reading 5 Questions You Might Get Asked in Your ‘HBS Interview’

HBS Alumnus & Corning VP/GM, John Bayne, Shares his Advice during Recruiting Season

The Harbus sat down with Harvard Business School alumnus John Bayne (MBA ’94), Vice President & General Manager at Corning Incorporated, and asked him to share his thoughts on the recruiting process, advice for students interested in a manufacturing career, what Corning does to stand out in its industry, and what helps define a successful applicant. Natasha Larsen: Tell us one… Continue reading HBS Alumnus & Corning VP/GM, John Bayne, Shares his Advice during Recruiting Season