Looking Back

Uncle Jordy: Zach, being from across the river, you have no classcard, so we’re not really sure whether or not we should believe you are whom you say. You claim to be quite a paddler, so here’s a test. There is a river in your home state commonly called the Yak. How do you spell its proper name?

Zach Drennen: You foolish, foolish old man. The Youghiogheny (pronounced Yakagainy) River to which you refer is not commonly associated with my home state of West Virginia (How `bout `dem `eers!), but rather Maryland and Pennsylvania, where it is commonly rafted and kayaked.

UJ: You spotted my trick question and responded quite deftly. Good work–you pass! Rachel, was the anticipation of finding out what the front of Zach’s head looked like killing you?

Rachel Carriere: The spontaneity of our evening did not allow me much time to ponder. However, it did hit me as I walked out of my dorm to meet him, but then I convinced myself that Uncle Jordy would not lead me astray.

UJ: How did you guys meet up for the Intraview?

ZD: After a few initial conversations, I basically called Rachel, said I had found this Disco Skating rink, and she said, “I’ll be ready in fifteen.” I then threw all of the garbage to the back of the car and picked her up a few minutes later.

RC: Zach met me at the guard gates by Morris in his Honda Civic. Our first greeting was a handshake as I sat down in the passenger seat.

UJ: Zach, in your article, you seem upset that the Harbus Intraview seed money didn’t cover dinner at the Top of the Hub. Yet Alex Adler (NF) sucked it up and took Rachel’s sectionmate Cecily Kovatch there a few issues ago. What are the pros and cons of your down-home approach?

ZD: One of the great things about this Intraview was the relaxed “roll with whatever comes our way” approach we took. Neither of us was too sure what to expect, so it had the feel of an adventure of sorts. As always, the risks with that sort of approach are that you could get lost, or the place could suck, or the million other things that could go wrong. The Hub would have been nice, but it felt good to get out and do something.

UJ: Rach, your thoughts? Were you jealous of Cecily, or are you cutting Zach some slack `cause he’s from West Virginia? Do you agree with the advantages to his down-home approach?

RC: Top of the Hub? I’m not jealous at all. Nice dinners are too typical of HBS, but roller disco, now that’s another world. I am a fan of his random, spontaneous down-home approach.

UJ: Who drove to Dorchester? You didn’t seem to get lost. How did that happen? What kind of car did you have, and was it equipped with GPS? How big do you think the GPS-receiver market is in greater Boston?

ZD: Yeah, I drove. I actually teach school part time not too far from where we were, so I know the main streets pretty well. Some of it, particularly the trek to Wally’s, required a little guesswork, but we managed. My little Honda–Oh how I wish it had GPS–I have made my bones the hard way getting lost in greater Boston. In my mind, at least, there are certain degrees of getting lost. Not knowing exactly where I am but knowing I’m heading in the right direction is pretty standard fare for me. Eventually, I hit a street I know well and can figure out where to go. Unless I get really fuggin’ lost and have to grovel my way into a gas station for directions.

RC: Equipped with his internal GPS and his trusty plastic-coated map, Zach drove masterfully from Dorchester to Wally’s to Cambridge. However, he was unsuccessful in losing the cops that appeared at every corner, just as if you, Uncle J, were tailing us.

UJ: Rachel, Do you think getting professionals to conduct a full-body cavity search before an Intraview is a common practice? What are the pros and cons of this approach?

RC: Common practice, of course. Isn’t that what classcards are designed for? But, since we didn’t have the advantage of classcards in this Intraview, Chez Vous had the honors.

UJ: Have you seen this website: //home.earthlink.net/~zefrank/invite/swfs/navigation.html? What do you think of this guy? How would he fare at Chez Vous?

RC: That guy would need to add some soul to his step and put roller skates on his feet in order to fit in at Chez Vous. This was not simply skating, but skating and grooving to the beat.

ZD: I have seen that–I howled the first time I clicked through it. I think the “Smackin’ That Ass” and the “Who’s Yo Daddy” would have fared the best, though Rachel’s correct, the skate factor throws a wild card into the mix. Frankly, I thought I had rhythm until I tried to do all that stuff with skates on. Hip Hop is one thing. Hip Hop on wheels is something else.

UJ: What’s your favorite disco song? Oh, my, Rachel–I forgot how young you are. Were you even walking during Disco? Feel free to skip this section if you want. Can you name the man who taught John Travolta how to dance?

ZD: Probably “Staying Alive”–that gets me up onto the furniture. No clue on the Travolta Dance Studio

RC: For those of us generationally challenged, Disco remains alive today as it is never too late to love disco!

UJ: OK, you both lose. Denny Terrio taught Travolta how to dance, or so he said. What’s your favorite disco or roller skating movie? Saturday Night Fever, the classic? Xanadu? Or are you a fan of the dark Rollerball?

ZD: If I remember right, I’m Gonna Git You, Sucka has some classic disco grooves. At the very least, it has the sweetest pimp daddy shoes anyone has ever seen.

RC: You were right, I wasn’t walking then.

UJ: In The Sure Thing, John Cusack tells Daphne Zuniga that “Nick” is a man’s name, and that a guy named Nick won’t mind if you puke in his car. Did you get that impression about the owner of Chez Vous?

ZD: While I’m not too sure Nick would have been psyched to have me puking on the hardwood, I did get the impression he was a solid guy trying to run a good business in which everyone stays safe and has a good time. Frankly, Chez Vous’ Nick would have been a good match for Cusack’s Nick.

RC: ???

UJ: You guys couldn’t find a late night place to eat. Did you try Charlie’s Kitchen in Harvard Square? Its kitchen is open until 2 AM. Have you been there before? Did you know George W. Bush used to hang out there when he was at HBS? Does that affect your opinion of Charlie’s?

RC: Of course we tried Charlies’s Kitchen. But, the door was locked tight at 1:30 AM, perhaps an early Sunday night close. When Charlie’s was closed, we knew the search for munchies was doomed.

ZD: We did try Charlie’s. Must have signed off early for Easter. Did not know about “W”, but maybe it is was good we didn’t go after all.

UJ: Zach, you speak of your undergrad days at Colorado College. Did you used to rock The Underground in downtown Colorado Springs? Did you used to hang out at Wooglin’s Deli on Tejon? Do you know why it has that funny name? How does Wooglin’s compare to Darwin’s on Mt Auburn?

ZD: Wow, I’m impressed. You have a good source or are an alum yourself. Go Tigers! And The Underground did rock! Played there a couple times in a band, as the part-time harmonica player. As far as Wooglin’s goes–I always considered it mediocre fare but extremely convenient, and oh, the memories… I once got in a huge fight with my then girlfriend over a pickle. I liked pickles and was willing to get in fight for one.

UJ: Uncle Jordy has had many previous lives, and did some home away from home time in the Springs. Anyhoo, last week I talked about Ricky Ayers’ (NA) business plan to eradicate drunken late night phone calls and emails from society. A second part of his plan is to open more Waffle House franchises to keep people in public late at night and away from their home communication devices. How many Waffle Houses do you think Ricky needs to open in Greater Boston to solve this plague?

ZD: This dude n
eeds some funding quick!! Frankly, the market is so wide open, he could rival Dunkin’ Donuts’ franchise numbers and only be on the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Marketing is a cinch–tasty pork products at two in the morning speak for themselves.

RC: Starting with Harvard Square, Ricky would need one in the immediate square and then begin the Southern plan of expansion for Waffle House: one at every major street crossing and no further than two miles apart. Hey, in South Carolina they even have them on both sides of the highway for convenience and crowd control. Little does Boston know, but Waffle House is the place to go!

UJ: Do you like your Waffle House hash browns Scattered, Smothered, or Covered?

ZD: Frankly, hash browns, as much as I love them, are merely the vehicle upon which salsa is transferred from the plate to my mouth.

RC: Scattered and covered.

UJ: Zach, in your picture, you’re kayaking with a helmet on, I assume for protection. Did you bring any protective gear on the Intraview?

ZD: Admittedly, I was traveling light. Any dangers we encountered would have been handled with maximum efficacy using the materials on hand.

UJ: Will there be a second Intraview?

RC: In true Southern style, Zach should be the first to make this call.

ZD: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm……………….