Frogs Off to a Hopping Start

The prevailing sentiment in the aftermath of Priscilla Ball (or some might say of the weekend in general!) is, “The less said the better!” With his sultry, long hair, luscious red lips and revealing bikini top, Sachin Palod was belle of the ball and voted this year’s Runner Up Queen. Congratulations! The blushing belle reports on her success, “I think more women grabbed my butt when I was dressed like a woman than otherwise. I felt so violated. Doesn’t mean that I will be cross dressing going forward!” We Frogs are thankful to the Priscilla Ball for helping us to narrow our career paths-as a result of Priscilla pix, Sachin says, “I can forget about running for the Prime Minister’s post in India in the future!”

Talk about having your cake and eating it too, Saturday night marked Sachin’s birthday at Aria, which, according to those who can remember, was a blast! The Frogs were out in full force and were shaking it up with some crazy moves on the dance floor. Sachin adds that “to complete the picture, we had the passionate Italian (the one and only Massimo Magni) smoking his cigars with a sophisticated air.”

On a slightly but not altogether more wholesome note, Sandra Lin organized an apple picking expedition for 25-30 Frogs, partners, and friends. F-ers included Sam Thakarar, Juan Uribe, John Lee, Sarah Riggs, Matt DuPlessie, Allan Merrill, Steven Carden, Anya Ulitskaya, Ilkay Can, Amie Perl, Julie Hammerman, Ethan Pisetzky, Dune Thorne, and of course, Sandra herself. Sandra points out that Allan, Steven, and Anya deserve kudos for waking up at the crack of dawn post-Priscilla. Although Sandra says the day was “rather nippy and not quite the brisk, sunny day we were hoping for” do not fear, for F managed “to keep warm, following the lead of Sarah Riggs dancing a little jig to the oompah band music.” Before picking, Frogs were taught to distinguish between a bushel and a peck of apples. Does that bring anyone else back to Sharon Lois and Braham? A barrel and heap and I’m talking in my sleep… Anyone?

Aside from apples, the farm also conveniently contained a vineyard. Sandra reports, “We had a lot of fun sampling their wines and learning about the process to produce various fruit-based wines, other than grape-based. Our sampling included usual Nashoba Valley Winery award winners, including Dry Pear, Cherry, and Dessert Plum.” The section as a whole is grateful that we now have such capable apple connoisseurs amongst us who will be hosting an apple tasting session focusing on the Red Delicious and Balwin varieties.

Phil Hilal reports, “Section F rallied on the paintball battlefield against a ragtag, motley crew of first-years from assorted other sections on Sunday, September 30th. The most common type of casualty was direct fire sustained to the head-thank goodness for protective headgear. In the final hour, the full HBS crew coalesced, waging a capture-the-flag battle against the facility’s other patrons, who came fully armed with their own arsenal of high-tech, fully automatic weaponry. MVP Courtland James (NC) penetrated enemy lines, and secured the flag, a gloriously improbable victory, which shall hold a permanent place in the annals of Camp Paintball’s history.”

Before signing off, I’d like to help sectionmate Wes Brandon get his new business idea off the ground-he’ll do an imitation of anyone you like for a mere $30!