Love your column.
Is there a place in Cambridge, within biking distance, to buy a nice tie? I need one for Friday.
Thanks a ton!
Tie-less J, OJ
Hi Tie-less,
The answer depends largely on how much money you want to spend, and what your style is.
For ease of use, head into the Square and go to The Andover Shop. They have a good selection of serviceable ties in a variety of styles. You aren’t going to turn any heads – in either the good way or the bad way. Prices are reasonable, too.
If you want to go mid-range, Filene’s is in the Cambridgeside Galeria, by Kendall Sq. They will have exactly what you expect – decent ties, decent prices. Some risk of looking like a Taurus-driving salesman, though.
If you are feeling sassy, take a peek in Sola for Men, on Brattle St. in Harvard Sq. They might have a few things, definitely more on the funky side – and a little pricier. They also have great shoes (hey, you never know).
Finally, if you are looking for a Ferragamo/Hermes/Charvet sort of tie, head into town and go to the Men’s shop in Neiman Marcus at Copley Mall – great selection, super helpful staff (but you’re going to spend around $100). You can also head over to Louis Boston on Berkeley St, although I don’t think they let you in the door if you’re not packing platinum.
Finally finally, if you’re looking for a bargain, take the train to Downtown Crossing and go to Filene’s Basement. You can’t beat the prices (50-80% off), and can occasionally find a diamond in the rough. Might not be the best for you, though, given time constraints.
Hope that helps…
The Local
All questions will be answered… The_Local@mba2002.hbs.edu…