Harvard UHS Director Sees Mental Health as Top Concern

Harvard University’s Director of University Health Services (UHS) sat down recently with The Harbus to talk about managing UHS, HBS health services, and his top health concerns for the University. He also referred to the “caring community” at HBS as a “fascinating aspect of the b-school” and credited Dean Clark and his administration for the… Continue reading Harvard UHS Director Sees Mental Health as Top Concern

Harbus Health

Many people have experienced “ear infections” as children. These are typically infections of the middle ear, inside the ear drum, associated with colds or teething. Adults continue to get these types of infections but at UHS we see other ear problems as well associated with the outer ear and the ear canal. Why do we… Continue reading Harbus Health

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Job-Hunting Student Not Schizophrenic After All

(Cumnock Hall) University psychiatrists reported on Monday that, despite substantial job-hunting evidence to the contrary, RC student Robert Jaffray (NX) does not suffer from Schizophrenia. “First of all, it’s important to not confuse Schizophrenia with Multiple Personality Disorder,” said noted psychiatrist Vicki Kalder, PhD, “they aren’t the same thing at all; please do better research… Continue reading Job-Hunting Student Not Schizophrenic After All

Job-Hunting Student Not Schizophrenic After All

University psychiatrists reported on Monday that, despite substantial job-hunting evidence to the contrary, RC student Robert Jaffray (NX) does not suffer from Schizophrenia. “First of all, it’s important to not confuse Schizophrenia with Multiple Personality Disorder,” said noted psychiatrist Vicki Kalder, PhD, “they aren’t the same thing at all; please do better research before calling… Continue reading Job-Hunting Student Not Schizophrenic After All