Socially Responsible Sourcing: Not So Simple

Jumping on socially responsible sourcing bandwagon could leave companies biting the dust.  Breakfast at McDonald’s is going through all kinds of changes.  Unless you’ve been living under a whopper, you know that McDonald’s now serves breakfast all day.  Not only can you now get an Egg McMuffin at any time of day but those eggs… Continue reading Socially Responsible Sourcing: Not So Simple

Uber’s Keys to Success: Harvard Experts Share Their Views on the $50B Company and Its Market

By Philip Levinson, Harvard Kennedy School Alum & Learn Capital Venture Advisor We have a Love-Hate relationship with Uber. Love them? The headline of a recent Fast Company cover story on the company: “Admit It. You Love Uber.” Hate them? A recent Brookings Institute column is entitled “Is Uber a threat to democracy?” Another article features… Continue reading Uber’s Keys to Success: Harvard Experts Share Their Views on the $50B Company and Its Market