4-6 Weeks Before the Event (i.e., NOW!)o Scout locations and get priceso Send an email to the group to try and determine the most convenient dateo Select a theme, if any, for the partyo Send a “save the date” email/Evite so that everyone can mark their calendarso For the party at your home: purchase decorations… Continue reading Holiday Party Checklist
Forming Family Connections at HBS
Moving to Boston with a family is no easy task.Questions regarding education, school-clothesshopping, local pediatricians – and more – abound. TheHBS Partner’s Club is hosting a variety of events thismonth to help families ease into a new life in Bostonand to help them forge relationships with fellowstudents. This month, events are open to all families(first… Continue reading Forming Family Connections at HBS
Section P
The month of January was a full of fun and exciting events for all partners of the HBS Community. The HBS Partners’ Club hosted a plethora of events, including a Frist Year-Second Year Partner Mixer, a Museum Trek, a evening of dining at Pho Pastueur, and much, much more. Currently, the club is looking for… Continue reading Section P
Section P
The Partners’ Club hosted a wonderful January Cohort Partners’ Orientation Lunch on Sunday, January 7th. The event was sponsored by the HBS Student Association. New partners were given the opportunity to meet one another before the rest of the students and partners returned from Winter Break. If you are a partner and missed this event,… Continue reading Section P