Creating Opportunity: An NGO Internship Experience in Ghana

I spent my summer based in Accra, Ghana working for TechnoServe, an NGO which helps entrepreneurial men and women in poor areas of the developing world to build businesses that create income, opportunity and economic growth.  What this meant for my summer was working with a company, HPW, at their brand new (and largest in… Continue reading Creating Opportunity: An NGO Internship Experience in Ghana

Rape & Remittances: Modern Day Slavery in the Philippines

This is Part 2 of 2 in a series presenting the research findings of Justin Hakuta (NJ), who won a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to the Philippines after graduating from Carnegie Mellon. At the time, Hakuta was interested in pursuing a career in human rights investigation. Root CausesTrafficking is the product of many factors including: –… Continue reading Rape & Remittances: Modern Day Slavery in the Philippines

In the Field

Waking up at 5 a.m. to the sound of woodpeckers, heaving through dirt and jungle in 90-degree heat, seeing the desolate poverty of a hungry child with nothing to wear but a torn rag, and sleeping under a starry blanket (so many stars!) while a gecko stirs next to your ear is not the idea… Continue reading In the Field