Beer Review:

Mired in a world of Coors Light, Rolling Rock, and the occasional Lone Star, I finally succumbed to peer pressure from a number of my classmates and ventured into the first stages of “beer snobdom.” At my sectionmates’ begging, I reluctantly turned my back on the Silver Bullet for an evening and journeyed to the… Continue reading Beer Review:

Age Falls to Beauty in Annual Alumni Match

This fall saw the resurgence of Gordon Gekko and the Karate Kid, but no event could live up to the hype surrounding the return of the HBS Old Boys to the rugby pitch. Each fall the ageless Old Boys of HBS Rugby Football Club descend on the hallowed rugby pitch on Soldiers Field Park road… Continue reading Age Falls to Beauty in Annual Alumni Match

Welcoming the Old Boys, Rugby Style

On Saturday, October 10, the HBS Rugby Football Club took the field against its senior counterpart, the HBS Alumni Rugby Football Club (Old Boys). Rarely had we seen such grizzled faces, so many grey hairs, and such antiquated knee, ankle and other protective bracing. The first period was marked by strong rucking and the heavy… Continue reading Welcoming the Old Boys, Rugby Style

One city, 2 days, 20 HBS Ruggers, 5 Games and Zero Pants

The HBS Rugby Team made its way to the little market town of Philadelphia over the weekend to compete in the annual Wharton Hogfest Rugby Tournament. Eight universities from around the country competed in the famous event. Compared to the HBS team’s normal routine of playing local clubs in a tough New England Rugby League,… Continue reading One city, 2 days, 20 HBS Ruggers, 5 Games and Zero Pants