
Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

Trevor Fetter gives advice to the graduating ECs. After so much unpacking, it’s time to pack. What will you bring? What will you leave behind? If you’re completing your first year, we’re basically talking, in travel terms, about an extended weekend. I hope the weather is good, that you like the destination, you get a… Continue reading Packing

Getting Tactical about Your Next Job

In his column for the Harbus, Professor Trevor Fetter shares his thoughts on the issues facing HBS students. Last month, I wrote about the primary colors of the career spectrum (advisor, investor, operator) and the strategic considerations that go along with them. Judging from recent meetings I have had with students, summer and post-MBA jobs… Continue reading Getting Tactical about Your Next Job

Advice for Approaching Your Post-MBA Career: Reflect

In his column for the Harbus, Professor Trevor Fetter shares his thoughts on the issues facing HBS students. It is a scary season, and not just because I am writing this on Halloween. The markets are volatile, the election is next week, and we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. You are… Continue reading Advice for Approaching Your Post-MBA Career: Reflect

Welcome to the Simulation

©Harvard Business School

In his inaugural column for the Harbus, Professor Trevor Fetter shares his thoughts on how HBS students can learn crisis leadership by observation in 2020. I first knew Kevin Sharer as the legendary Chief Executive Officer of one of the world’s most important companies. Many of our MBA students first knew him as Professor Kevin… Continue reading Welcome to the Simulation