Section NI Continues to Dazzle

After a week of hibernation, I am forced to write something on Section I, now that we have the editor-in-chief of the Harbus also from the Club of I. The announcement of the candidacy of Nick Will as a leader and conscience keeper of the student voice in the HBS campus took Section I by surprise. The quiet and unassuming Nick is a real darling, and I am sure that he shall bring to the Harbus the same (com)passion that he brings to class.

Life has been tough but exciting in the I Den at Aldrich 10. Close on the heels of a big victory in the Boston Food Fight, the I Warriors crushed OF in soccer. Egged on by a record crowd, the nimble passes and accurate shots were too much for the “experienced” play of the OF team. The heroes got a rousing reception after the game at Amanda Siegel’s house, where sobriety was not the buzzword for a change. The inevitable result the next morning was the six passes in a row, which were perhaps equal to the score in the game (6-2 or was it 8-4?). Section I has truly preserved one of the many legacies that have been handed down over the years, and set another for the maximum passes in row at HBS!
The week saw Karl “Social Rep” Holmes buzzing with activity, as he devised ways to drum up support for the ball of the year, Holidazzle. Charlotte “Maslow” Relyea egged on the section into scheming something for a mysterious prize. Although the results of the section poll are yet to come, it is rumored that the I Poem is in a close tie with the I Academy Awards. It was indeed an unforgettable display of sheer acting talent and creative genius, which has inspired by our own Hollywood expert Geoff Shaevitz to consider some of the talent for his next directorial venture with Warner Brothers. Although I missed the fun myself, some informed sources suggest that it was the “naked” something that stole the day.

The week also saw the section getting a flavor of its international diversity. The Dim Sum event was flagged off by Yining Sun at China Pearl and is to be followed by a China presentation this week. The hidden talents of Onche “Mozart” Ogbabe were revealed, as he explained the intricacies of African music as a part of Africa Day celebration. The modest composer that he is, Onche revealed a hidden musical side of Section I.

The drone of Excel spreadsheets and the LEAD-ish everything is slowly being taken over by a culprit called Cover Letter. The tale Alice in Wonderland is being written in many different ways to catch the attention of the elusive Dear Ms. Recruiter. For the sake of those who missed Tim Butler’s Career Vision and Networked Job Search Strategy Workshops, here is a daring conversation with Stacy Sonnenberg, our own career representative:

Q: What differentiates me from others? Is there something that I have really done, that I can really write on the cover letter besides saying that bullshit that I was eyeing you in the career fair?

A: Yes, of course, you are the Basketball Captain. This is hell of a time commitment, and it is the leadership of the team that matters.

Q: But I don’t even play basketball? What about me?

A: You can explain that you are the Sky Deck Honors Chair, nothing can be more creative?

Q: What should I be looking at, which companies?

A: Consulting and I-banking of course! I am prepared to look at everything.

Before I end this tale about this week in Section I, let me also briefly say that the social portfolio managers at I are already thinking of keeping up the sizzling pace next semester. The “NI Goes Skiing at Killington” article is coming up at the end of January, and the semester opens with “NI Tales from Club Med.” The section ladder for the Phrase that Pays is drawing to an end and daringly said “It is about time you called on me!” is all set to take the cake and eat it too. “Ecstasy is stepping out of the caves and facing the hyenas on its own,” wins the quotable quotes of Section I Award for this week!
At the end of term one Section I continues to dazzle, as always.