Section D Year in Review

What a great bunch of folks I got to know in Section D. A diverse group…gold miners, Broadway singers, Olympic athletes, cavalrymen, Tight Ends, prom queens, and class clowns. Quite possibly the perfect cross-section of the Class of 2004. Ambassadors and true representatives…solidly average in all aspects, but deficient in none. And that’s just how we liked it.

No, we didn’t get in your face. No, we didn’t ask you to ‘kiss our asses’.

No, we weren’t first in line to ask the guest speaker a vacuous question. No, we didn’t finish ‘boat races’ with blazing speed. We finished a respectable, but appropriate, 4th in the Section Olympics. We were never first in the intramural standings, but we were never last, either. And how does that feel, you ask? Just fine, thank you.

We’re a melodic and theatrical bunch. Section D members peppered the cast and crew of this year’s HBS Show. Lead by our President and his strumming sidekick Schiff, we frequently ended Skydecks with a song.

We even welcomed the merging with Section C for Negotiations with a friendly tune…sure, C had absolutely no idea what to think of it. But that’s just fine.

We’re a friendly bunch. Fireworks and blowups didn’t characterize our class discussions, and we were masters of “building on” someone else’s ‘ack-cellent’ point. We reserved most of our in-class sharking for the professors instead of our fellow classmates (few of us will ever forget Big Mac’s antics). Bingo was the in-class game of choice…”Phrase that Pays” was just too much of a stretch (especially after our EM prof seemed to have sole ownership of the phrase). Our TOM professor, Noel Watson, recognized a distinct ‘Caribbean’ feel to the section. Just chillin’. We be fine, mon.

Apparently, we have tiny bladders. Feedback from professors through our Ed Rep rarely focused on poor class participation or inadequate preparation; rather, the big problem seemed to be the frequent trips to the potties. Everything else, they thought, was just fine.

We’re definitely an alcoholic bunch. Section Pub Crawls and Pub Nights were cornerstones of the social effort. Bloodshot eyes in the mornings followed enormous bar tabs at night. Boston’s evening establishments were definitely the better because of Section D.

So, stop any member of Section D in Spangler, Shad, or Grafton next time you see them and ask what they thought of RC year…I’ve got even-money on the answer: “Just fine, thanks.”