OF Conquers OJ

The OF B-squad would like to dedicate their latest victory, a first round playoff win over OJ, to our loveliest fans: Kimberly Lei, Pam Adams, and Gariella Chappell. Their inspired cheering led to a blowout victory over an under-manned OJ squad that could have used a little more juice.

When the dust had settled, the B-Team had produced a certified blowout: 68-25.

How bad was it? Chappell sat out the entire second half. Chase decided that he wasn’t needed at all, and sat out the entire game with ice on his ankle (Get better real soon, Jonny!!!!). By the time Gonzalo and Andrews arrived, it was mop-up time – and pick up a broom is exactly what the boys did, putting the game out of reach and into the fridge.