EC Student Accidentally Talks to Cross-Registrant
(Aldrich 107) EC student Martin Macaffrey accidentally talked to cross-registrant David Thompson before their Venture Capital and Private Equity class last Thursday. “I thought he was one of the few HBS students I’ve never meet,” said Macaffrey, “But then he pulled out some makeshift cardboard name card with ‘David’ handwritten on it and I was like ‘Damn! I can’t believe I just wasted four minutes talking to a non-female Kennedy student. Like a Kennedy student will ever be a valuable contact for me in the future.'” Macaffrey, worried that Thompson is going to ask him to be his partner for the class paper, is frantically trying to switch sections. Thompson, worried that Macaffrey is going to talk to him before every class about all his amazing job offers and great vacations, is dropping the class.
Recently-Married Student Not Pleased with “Couples” Christmas Gifts
(Central Square) EC Student Eric Anderson was recently disappointed with the gifts he received for his first Christmas as a married man. “Every single gift was addressed to my wife and me,” Anderson said. “I had asked my parents for Grand Theft Auto for my PS2, and they actually gave us a bundt cake pan and fancy placemats instead. Last year my sister gave me Season Four for the Sopranos and this year she sent us a cookbook. Just for squash. If we ever decide to cook a meal with squash in it, we now have 200 pages of recipes to choose from.” Anderson is hoping that things will revert back to normal for his birthday in March, but he’s not holding his breath. “I would really like to get an iPod or X-Box, but something tells me I’ll end up with a 10-piece casserole set from Corningware.”
Case Method Prepares Student Well for 91-Person Meetings
(Aldrich) After three semesters of the case method, EC student Ariel McManus believes he is ready to shine in 91-person meetings when he starts his job at GE this August. According to McManus, “Whenever my division at GE calls a 91-person meeting and the goal of the meeting is to simply discuss an issue, but not reach a decision – I’ll be ready to make one comment every hour and twenty minutes.” McManus also believes he is prepared to run his own meetings once he becomes a Vice President. “I’m going to just facilitate the discussion while not directing my employees to the appropriate issues.
Before the meeting is over, I’ll give my three to five takeaways on the topic and then we’ll all clap.”
EC Student Prepares to Max Out His Citiassist
(Spangler) EC student Kyle McGee went to the Financial Aid office last week to find out how much money he could still borrow on his Citiassist loan. “I checked out my bank account when I got back from three weeks in Argentina and I was like ‘Damn, all those $5,000 trips are really taking their toll on my finances,” said McGee. “Maybe I could cut down on my spending and stop living like an investment banker, but why should I when there’s always Citiassist?” Coincidentally, McGee plans to backpack in Southeast Asia this summer before he starts his job with the Bush Administration Treasury Department.