The Secrets of the HBS Show Finally Divulged!!
This highly anticipated event finally came to fruition on Thursday, March 29th when deafening cheers and thunderous applause indicated that the Ds were in the House. Nadia Boulos, Imran Ahmed, and others revealed why they had been virtual zombies in class over the past several weeks. In a Story that only had an Up Side (how do you like them options?), Nadia became the next Natalie Wood with her portrayal of Maria McKinsey, belting out ballads that put her in-class rendition of “I’m a Little Teapot” with Brian Davis to shame. Imran, meanwhile, strutted his stuff in a Glad trash bag. OK, it was his hilarious and clever turn as the Frenchman Antoine that kept HOD at the edge of their seats-although the image of him in the Priscilla Ball scene is indelibly stamped into our memories. Cheers went up for shadow images with Ds taped on their backs rushing by in between scenes. Was it a bird? Was it a plane? No-it was Christiana Voskarides and Adam Samuelsson keeping the show running from backstage! Ryan Kim took on that role from up above-fitting given that he is usually in the clouds. In the meantime, Augusto Moronta kept the show in perfect harmony playing the electric guitar as part of the elite HBS show band. Mickey Konson popped up in the videos, showing that there is no place the House of D can’t be. By the way, word has it the dance numbers were great. Must’ve been that choreography. This is completely objective, speculative thinking, of course.
Charlie’s Angels spotted at Hong Kong!!
Move over Drew, Cameron and Lucy Liu. The next generation of Charlie’s Angels are in the House! Kate, Jen Guzman, and Neera Nundy kicked it up in high heels, cool shades, and glitzy outfits on Tuesday night at the Hong Kong. One glance at Mike Paley’s disco ball earring told us this wasn’t any normal night at HBS. This was ABBA night-a retro visit to the 70s where bellbottoms, braids, and bright colors ruled. Swirling designs, Miguel Pita’s plaid pants, and the requisite Hong Kong scorpion bowls made for a lethal combination. While the women of D let loose to the rhythms of “Staying Alive” and “I Will Survive,” it was Mickey Konson who was the true dancing queen of the evening! Now we know what happens when his wife doesn’t come out with him. Aside from Mickey’s Staying Alive pose, other notable accessories of the night included Ryan Kim’s white feather boa and Josh Wilson’s hair.
Josh Rabina-HOD’s Most Eligible Bachelor!
We just wanted to catch your attention. That did it, didn’t it? Single women don’t fret-there actually is a chance to win a date with the Rabina-man at the Summer Search Auction on Wednesday, April 11th! In fact, all three Josh’s are offering their services for the night. Josh Lutzker and Josh Wilson have volunteered to cook while one lucky lady dines with the first Josh. Other creative entrants for the auction include a personal serenade from the star of the HBS show herself-Nadia Boulos-with Ryan Kim if you need a deeper voice, a Chinese massage by certified Chinese medicine lady Linda Cai, and a fashion makeover by section D’s most fashionable, Mira Huussen, Aparna Piramal, and Neera Nundy. See the things auction organizer Nick Maynard can make us do? There will also be an unlimited choice of cuisine auctioned off-from Jamaican to Brazilian to Portuguese to Thai dinners-although it is Barry Horgan’s Down and Dirty Irish Night that really has the buzz. Top auction performers are expected to go to the weekend at Cyrus Hadidi’s in Lake Tahoe and a ride on section chair Tom DeLong’s Harley. Maybe one lucky winner can even combine auction prizes: get made over in preparation for a date with Josh Rabina in Lake Tahoe, with transportation provided on the back of Tom DeLong’s Harley, dine with Josh on Portuguese food while receiving a romantic evening serenade from Nadia and Ryan, and a Chinese massage by Linda Cai. What a perfect evening-courtesy of the HOD.