List of what to tell mom and dad about HBS next week:

So go ahead, whip out that PDA, and mark down Tuesday, April 17th as the day to donate blood!!! If you or someone you care about has ever suffered from a serious accident or trauma, undergone chemotherapy treatment for cancer or been treated for serious burns, you will recall it was a generous blood donor who saved the day. Now, here is your chance to be a superhero for someone else in need!

The HBS Armed Forces Alumni Association and the American Red Cross are pleased to bring the Bloodmobile to Shad Hall from 1:00 – 7:00 pm on Tuesday, April 17th. The entire donation process takes about an hour, including registration, a brief medical check, and refreshments (free food!). The actual donation takes six to ten minutes, depending on the individual. The only requirement is that donors be 17 years of age, weigh 110 pounds, and be in good health.

For more information and to schedule an appointment (walk-ins also welcome) please see your section representative, or contact Brendon Dibella (RC, or Heidi Althoff (EC, halthoff Thanks again to all of you who donated last fall! As before, the AFAA will donate $100 to the section with the most donors. Please help us get the word out to the faculty and staff!

Some common questions and concerns:
What are the most common eligibility requirements?
You must be 17 years old, not have donated blood in the last 8 weeks, weigh at least 110 lbs, and not have lived in the UK from 1980-1986 for a total of 6 months or more. Past residents in a malarial area more than 3 years ago or travelers through a malarial area 12 months ago are also not eligible to donate. More information on pre-screening can be found at

“They’ll take too much, and I’ll feel weak”
Less than a pint is all that’s donated. Your body manufactures new blood constantly and what you give will be replaced within hours. Doctors say healthy persons may give regularly.
“They wouldn’t want my blood because of the illnesses I’ve had”
Many illnesses do not affect the quality of your blood for donation. The staff on duty will review your medical history before you make your donation.

“I’m scared of that needle”
Nearly everyone feels that way, but after they see how quick and painless the procedure is, the fears vanish. You’ll feel only a slight pinch in the beginning. This is your chance to overcome your fear for a great cause.

Is the procedure safe and clean?
Absolutely. Blood is collected using a sterile, single-use needle for each donor. It is impossible to catch AIDS from donating.