A Successful Outreach

Project Outreach was an overall success. Despite the `economic outlook’, most of our regular sponsors chipped in to support us again on this worthy cause. Special thanks to Brook Reid for making good use of her negotiations class on this front. Also, thanks to Tim O’Sullivan and Christian Hensley for sacrificing a party on the Friday night before the project to help deliver the supplies to all the projects because a certain hardware chain forgot to deliver the supplies ahead of time. On the day of the project, it seemed we might be left with a few extra lunches than we had originally planned but fortunately we were able to donate the lunches to Caspar Inc. and to the First Baptist Church.

At Hawthorne Youth and Community Center, Sections NF and OF did spring cleaning, painting and landscaping and had the highest turnout of all the sections on campus.

At Boston Senior Homes, Sections NC, NB, NE, and NG painted senior citizens’ apartments. Debbie Winkler of NE described the experience: “New sections B, C, E and G had a great time working with Boston Senior Care to paint 7 senior citizens’ apartments. The seniors were so excited to have their apartments painted. They told us it felt like being in a brand new apartment! One guy told us that he’s been waiting 10 years to have his apartment painted. So it felt really great to be able to put a smile on their faces! Plus we had a lot of fun meeting people from other sections. It was a great day!” Section NK and NJ were kept busy clearing and constructing trails for the Metropolitan District Community

NH and OH teamed up at the Cross Road Family Shelter to perfect the painful art of painting walls and ceilings. (Perfect white is a difficult job). OJ and OK were busy at Caspar Inc. wondering if 10 yards of mulch was too much for 5 potted plants. OD, OC and OG (building on excellent painting skills from last year’s Project Outreach) breezed through their painting project at the First Baptist Church. OG had the highest turnout of all the EC sections.

ND and NA spent time at the Gardner Center doing some painting. OA, OB and OE kept themselves busy at the Agassiz Neighborhood Council. NI and OI teamed up not too far down the road at the Cambridge Youth Guidance Center for spring-cleaning. Michael Echenberg of NI described the outcome: “The center’s staff was all smiles when they inspected the premises at the end of the day. And, the warmth and friendship in Section I grew even stronger.”