Last Friday’s TGIF was an event to remember. Club IberoAmericano brought to campus “The Latin Party Boys” a local Salsa band that regularly plays at Sophia’s. Over 300 students and partners joined the members of Club in order to celebrate, among others, Columbus Day. Club officers promoted the event by wearing their national soccer shirts, the display of which, coupled with a few national flags that were hanged around The Grille, added to the festive atmosphere. As the night progressed, the group of dancers grew from a few experts (which included mainly Colombians and other Latin Americans) to a significant crowd. Professional dance teachers were brought in by the Club to help those who wanted to learn some salsa and merengue moves, while those who just needed to improve their dancing skills were happy to participate in the brief sessions. As soon as the band started playing, TGIF became a big party. People were happy to partake in the dancing and share the night with their friends. The crowd emanated a high level of enthusiasm and energy. A highlight of the night was the participation of Monica Giraldo, wife Ken Mendiwelson, a co-president of Club IberoAmericano, who sang along side the band.
Ken, in fact, was among those who enjoyed the event to its fullest. When asked to comment about the party, he said this TGIF was a “spectacular event!! The Latin American spirit took over the HBS dance floor. Arriba Club IberoAmericano!!”
The Club’s other co-president, Arturo Alvarez observed: “This is nothing, the coming Latin Party will be even better!”
The Latin TGIF is becoming an HBS tradition. Last year, a Brazilian band livened up The Grille. Let’s see what first year Club members come up with for next year, though based on the success of the last few years, it will certainly be another hit.
In the meantime, the Club IberoAmericano is busy planning and sponsoring other events, such as a dinner for members with Mr. Gustavo Herrero, Executive Director of the Latin American Research Center, a speech by John Coatsworth from the Rockefeller Center entitled “Why is Latin America Underdeveloped”, and a Futbol (Soccer) Tournament, organized by first year Luis Sanchez, the finals of which will be disputed this Saturday at Shad.