Intramural Champs

Umm, before I start, I just want to say that I still haven’t found the AC adapter to my ThinkPad T20 so if anyone has seen it, please let me know. Thank you. I’m finished now.
But Section C is not! Very exciting happenings this week as the NC B-league basketball team wrenched victory away from OF on Wednesday night and found itself crowned 2001 HBS IM B-LEAGUE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS! A rambunctious and heckling crowd turned out for the final game, including, among others, Rick Needham’s fianc‚ Helga, Craig Collister’s fianc‚ Kirsten, and Tom Wieand’s girlfriend Amy. The three ladies were on hand to watch their significant others’ on-court antics. As in class when loved ones are around, much clapping was displayed at the men’s every touch of the ball.

Comments heard along the sidelines included, “We’re going to get some free beer whether we win or lose, right?” and “Wow-I can’t believe that shot of Rod’s went in.” Afterwards, Coach K handed out some awards of his own:

Offensive Player of the Game: Rick Needham
Defensive Player of the Game: Amy Reinhard
Player of the Year: Tom Wieand
Most Improved: Marti Jimenez
Best Luck: Marleta Ross
Best Foul Shot: Rodrigo Lara
Scariest Defender: Rod Norman
Best Three Pointer of the Year: JUNIOR Dal Bello
Don’t Mess with Him Underneath: Craig Collister
The team’s and the crowd’s performances were doubly impressive as several c-ers had spent the previous afternoon pelting each other with paintballs along with 30 or so other sectionmates and a couple of professors. Jonathan Liew lets us know how the paint flew…

With dotcoms out of vogue, marketing jobs impossible to crack, and venture capital but a dream, NC had their attempt at trying to solve the age-old question of whether to be a banker or a consultant straight out of HBS. So we had Gregor “Goose” Andrade, NC’s FIN2 professor, heading up the “Pacific” and representing the bankers, and Ramon “Barca” Casadesus-Masanell, NC’s C&S professor, heading up the “Atlantic” and representing the consultants, pitted against each other in a Battle Royale that saw ricocheting paintballs, sweaty brows, and plenty of bruised knees.

Gregor took on the role of a Managing Director. He talked tactics, rallied the troops and stuck around long enough to deliver the presentation and pick up the tombstone. Three cheers for some sharp shooting, hard fighting, and a quick recovery, getting dressed up afterwards to kick-on to the theatre for the evening’s performance of Rent.

Ramon preferred the role of Business Analyst. He got down and dirty, passed out spare ammo to the troops, and crawled in the sawdust with the best of them. Three cheers for taking out Dominik “The Terminator” Halstenberg and then charging over a barricade to wave a semi-automatic paint gun in Jonathan “Cannon Fodder” Liew’s face, all without batting an eye.
Special mentions have to go to the two medics, Marleta “Decimal System” Ross and Amy “Hollywood” Reinhard; Martha “Scarlet” Rhode for showing up; Rodrigo “Bruiser” Lara for needing three stitches on his left elbow; Tony “The Seal” Sanchez and Brendon “Wasn’t Me” Strong for their suicide runs; and Kevin “Goldman Sachs” Greene for having a barricade fall on him. Oh-and you can’t forget Matt “Hasta La Vista” Cheney for fighting to the bitter end, without any ammunition.

So bankers or consultants…who were the winners? Let’s just say it was too close to call.
Section C is gearing up for its Summer Search auction this week as well. As a teaser, the organizing team auctioned off a couple of packages of Red Sox tickets for this past weekend. While the winner’s curse loomed heavily in everyone’s mind, hats off to Lee Brown for remembering the kids to a tune of $330. Keep those items coming in…