HBS Tightens Security-Don't Forget Your IDs!

In this era of heightened security, both Harvard University and Harvard Business School have begun to enforce existing policies more tightly. As a result, Baker Library requires that all members of the community present their Harvard picture ID in order to gain entry, something most of the other University Libraries have always required. Consequently, we need to ask MBA students to get in the habit of bringing their HBS picture ID to Baker with them. Staff and faculty are being asked to abide by identical policies. The library staff hates having to feel like the bad guys when you forget, so please help us out!

Students must accompany any guests whom they wish to give a brief tour. Adult guests must stop at the entrance and exchange a valid picture ID (such as a passport or driver’s license) for a visitor badge that they can wear while they tour. Unaffiliated or unaccompanied guests will not be allowed access.

Baker Library staff regrets any inconvenience caused by these changes and asks your cooperation and understanding in complying with this new requirement. Any extra hurdle in your busy lives, however minor, must seem a little tedious until you form new habits. But the changes represent the new necessities of a tighter security environment. We all want to keep the Harvard Business School campus a safe and secure place.