Frogs on Holiday

Welcome back, Froggies!!!!!!! Before we get too caught up in 2002, I want to take us way back to December, when Section F had a grand old time at Karim Hutson’s end-of-the-semester party. Richard Starling’s darling was treated to a full round of applause HBS-style and Donghao Yang taught us all Chinese drinking games (as well as a thing or two about keg stands).

Sam Thakarar spent most of the holiday at his parents’ place in New York state, where he caught up with his sister who was back in town from Hong Kong. He did manage a four-day stint in the City with his girlfriend. They spent the 31st at a “very-NY” club, Mint, where they of course had a ball.

Dune Thorne spent New Year’s in Aspen, Colorado with her fianc‚, Neville, their best friend from college, and Neville’s three brothers. They celebrated the New Year by cooking up a big steak dinner and going out on the town. Dune reported that their New Year’s tradition is to go around the table sharing favorite moments of the past year and what they are looking forward to in the New Year. She declined, however, to expound upon her favorite moment.

As for me, I am currently writing from L.A., where I am on Hollywood Trek along with eight other Frogs: Michelle Crames (one of the highly esteemed organizers to whom we are forever grateful), Florian Muth (yes, the three of us ARE sharing a room), Sarah Riggs, Pete Sisitsky (who got discovered last night at SkyBar-hurry, now is your last chance to get his autograph before he starts charging!), Derek Aframe, Edton Mock, Wes Brandon (accompanied by his wife Edrienne, Section B), and Anya Ulitskaya (sporting her sassy new haircut). Lee Koffler showed up for a cameo appearance at a party in the Hills, but disappeared suspiciously shortly after he discovered that Britney Spears occupies a neighboring house.

Florian, his childhood friend Joern (who dresses surprisingly similarly to Florian), Michelle and I explored Universal Studios, where we narrowly missed a flash flood, a shark attack, and King Kong’s wrath-quite a day!! We on the Hollywood Trek are remaining somewhat upbeat, despite the prevailing message at top entertainment players’ info sessions that we better be willing to suck it up and take an unpaid internship if we want to break into the industry. You’d think if we weren’t going to be paid, we could at least be doing something to stave off world hunger!
Every HBS alum I have encountered claims that 2nd semester, 1st year was their favorite, so here’s to a fabulous 2002!!!