Moving to Boston with a family is no easy task.
Questions regarding education, school-clothes
shopping, local pediatricians – and more – abound. The
HBS Partner’s Club is hosting a variety of events this
month to help families ease into a new life in Boston
and to help them forge relationships with fellow
students. This month, events are open to all families
(first and second year; Partner Club members and
Playgroup Party, sponsored by the HBS Partners’ Club
and SA-Social
Tuesday, Sept. 11 – 3:30-5:30pm
Made possible by SA-Social, this special playgroup
will welcome new and returning families. In addition
to the toys that children enjoy each week at
playgroup, the party will feature balloons, a special
gift for each child, snacks, an information booth and
a guest entertainer. To be held at the Soldiers Field
Park playground.
RSVP to:
Mom’s Night Out
Wednesday, Sept. 12 – 7:30p.m.
Mothers have the opportunity to enjoy the company of
other women and have some grown-up conversations at
Mom’s Night Out. Meet new and “old” HBS moms for a
Potluck Dinner. Location to be decided.
Apple Picking
Thursday, September 20 – 10am
Parents and children alike can enjoy a fun, fall
activity at a local farm. In addition to picking
apples, kids can view farm animals, paint a pumpkin
and take a hayride. Fee for participation.
New Parent Brunch
Saturday, Sept. 22 – 10am – 11:30am
Meet other parents who are expecting a baby or those
with a newborn at a brunch at the Hamilton Lounge.