Editor's Welcome: Arts & Entertainment

Welcome to the 2003 Edition A & E section. Thanks for reading!

Building on the consistent strength of last year’s A&E section, you can expect a continuing selection of reviews and recommendations covering music, film, art, print, websites, restaurants, bars and clubs. From high-brow, to low-brow, to no-brow; across the Harvard community and around ‘the city’ that we never seem to take advantage of enough. (That would be Boston, not New York. Although goings-on in that southern hamlet may sneak in from time to time.) Ideally, this section will point you to new things to listen to, look at, eat, drink, or just know about. And if you find a something or someplace worth pointing to, please use this section and write up your experience for the rest of us.

In terms of what may be different in this year’s A&E, I’m hoping to add some ‘industry’ perspective to the mix. As we all realize, the businesses of art and media are undergoing a great deal of change. Questions like ‘How will we pay for music in 5 years, if at all?’ and ‘Will scheduled TV be replaced by on-demand?’ represent just two potentially vast changes to our very familiar experiences with entertainment. Judging by the relevant professional, academic and field work I’ve seen kicking around HBS, I think there are great opportunities to publish some informed, local perspectives on the ‘creative industries’ at a particularly pivotal time in their evolution.

Hopefully, we can accomplish all of this without letting business monologues substitute for finding the best of the many distractions that surround us. Enjoy, and hope to see a number of you get involved.