Dear Editor,
I am concerned that the recent article “Got an Hour? Get the Job!” written by a librarian from Emory, may prove misleading for students at HBS. The author highligahted resources in the article that may not be the most appropriate tools for MBA students. Many of the most important resources that Baker librarians have carefully selected as the best available were not mentioned.
In January, the library will submit an article for the Harbus that highlights the best resources for the MBA job search. The article will introduce students to the most relevant Baker Library tools for each stage of the job search.
Baker librarians can guide students through the information gathering stages of the job search. To speak with a librarian, students can drop by the main desk at Baker Library or call 617-495-6397. Librarians are available M-F 9-5; Sat 10-6; Sun Noon-5. Students may also schedule an appointment with a librarian for a more in-depth consultation by contacting Mallory Stark at 495-5927 or calling the main desk at 617-495-6397.
Baker Library is continually looking for the best resources geared to the needs of MBA students. We are always open to suggestions for new job search tools or other resources to support the MBA curriculum. Please contact Andrea Schulman (, the Collections Development Librarian at Baker, with your ideas and suggestions.
Mallory Stark
Baker Library
Career Resources Librarian