The HBS community has welcomed us with open arms into their network, and I’m not sure about you, but I’m thrilled to be a part of it. Each day, we watch our spouses working hard on cases, attending classes, club meetings, group dinners, and parties. But you might be left wondering, what’s in it for me?
When my husband was accepted and decided to attend HBS, I didn’t realize what would be in it for me. He mentioned he registered me as a “Partner,” and I wasn’t entirely cartier santos 100 replica sure what that meant either. Then, two weeks before classes started, I began to receive email with invitations to social events and was presented with a busy calendar for September. At that point I realized, wow, they’re really excited to have me, too!
Over the last month, I’ve discovered the wealth of resources available to me, and that this will be what I make of it. Whether it is a book club, casino nights down at the courthouse, Euro parties, or badminton at Shad Hall, it’s seemingly an endless buffet of choices.
If you told me five years ago that I’d be living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, working for an exciting start up while my husband attended Harvard Business School, I’d call you crazy. I also wouldn’t have believed that I’d have the opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream of mine; writing in a newspaper.
Sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I’ve had a lifelong dream of contributing to a column in a magazine or newspaper, or even being a part of the editing team. HBS is giving me the opportunity to do both! While in high school and college, most of my time was taken up by sports and other social events so I didn’t make the time to be involved in the school newspaper. All excuses aside, writing publicly has always scared me to death cartier roadster replica. But when I saw the opportunity to work with the The Harbus (in a Partners email, of course) I put on my big girl pants and sent in an email to inquire. And here we are.
Partners, this experience will be what we make of it, and we have the opportunity to make it something. Dive into whatever it is that interests you that you never had the opportunity or the nerves to do. Use that “partners.hbs.edu” email address to your advantage and write some emails. Connect with successful individuals (students, faculty, alumni, etc.), whether it’s for general advice or because you want to be introduced to someone in their network. Steal your partner’s daily events email and check out the list of top executives who are speaking on campus that week. Schedule a meeting with Career Services to help you continue to grow your career here in Boston, or to help you start a new one.
When looking back on your HBS experience with your spouse, let it mean more to you than just what your spouse gained from it. Take this opportunity to make yourself better – academically, socially, and professionally – to ensure that your HBS experience leaves a lasting impression on your life.
Haley DiNunzio is the wife of RC student, Alex DiNunzio (NH). Originally from the south, she attended Auburn University and currently works for an automotive www.replicabestsale.co.uk web site based in Harvard Square. World traveler and college football enthusiast, she enjoys exercising, cooking (and eating), blogging, and photography.