Happy Holidays!

To our readers,

Time flies at HBS. It seems like it was only yesterday that the freshly minted Harbus staff, Ami, our publisher and I came together to put together our first issue and already it’s time to take a mini break for the holidays.

As we finish working on the last issue of the semester, my mind goes back to September when we were planning our inaugural issue. Our aim through this semester has been to make your Monday mornings enjoyable and informative by bringing you a combination of news, events, sports, and humor from the HBS community. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the newspaper so far.

To the RCs, we congratulate you on successfully completing your first semester. You deserve your much needed vacation before recruiting rears its ugly head in January. The one advice that we have for you is to make the time you spend at home with close friends and family as much about them and as little about HBS as possible.

To the ECs, while it’s sad that three-quarters of our HBS experience is over and most of us are thinking about life beyond HBS, it’s good to take a moment to reflect on what we wanted to do with our HBS experience and how important the final semester is for that purpose.

To the faculty and other HBS staff, we are sure you will cherish the quality time you would get to spend with close friends and families without having to deal with absence notifications, distress emails, and the like.

The Harbus thanks all of you for your support, encouragement, articles, ideas, and most of all for picking up a copy from the stands every Monday.

Happy holidays from the entire Harbus staff and we will see you on the other side of the break!