For those in your first year, you are undoubtedly getting to know your classmates on the deepest possible level with those three magic questions: “Where are you from,” “Where did you go to undergrad,” and “Where did you work before school?” No worries, neophytes, this three-query barrage does not last for your entire HBS career.
As you progress into your second year, we pare it down to a single question: “How was your summer internship?” Whether you spent your summer closing blockbuster deals on Wall Street, marketing the newest toothpaste, traveling the world, or just rediscovering your passion for Solitaire and Minesweeper, your summer internship may serve as the centerpiece of every conversation if you are not careful.
But in all seriousness (or as much as we can muster), we are excited for the year ahead and hope that you are, too. We would like to welcome ECs back for their final year. As for the RCs, welcome to what will be one of the most challenging, yet exciting, years of your life. This is the experience of a lifetime, so make the most of every day.